With A Sip Of This Mixture, You Will Cleanse Your Liver And Rejuvenate

Fatty acids in olive oil and antioxidant compounds in lemon help us regulate cholesterol and triglyceride levels , and improve heart function.

In this article, we are going to share with you the incredible lemon olive oil cure, which has liver cleansing properties to improve overall health.

The liver plays a fundamental role in the overall health of the body. It is responsible for filtering the blood to purify it and to extract toxic substances.

On the other hand, it is one of the organs most involved in the complex process of eliminating wastes which, for various reasons, accumulate in the body.

Maintaining a healthy and functioning liver gives us energy, better morale and is reflected on the skin as well.

Conversely, when it has difficulty carrying out its tasks due to intoxication, the body in general is affected and a series of disorders arise, which can affect the quality of life.

Fortunately, there are many natural ingredients that can work in a positive way to naturally cleanse the liver, while providing other benefits to the body.

Lemon olive oil cure to cleanse the liver

Extra virgin olive oil has been recommended for hundreds of years. Indeed, it is a type of healthy fat that we can include in a moderate way in our daily diet.

Its high content of essential fatty acids and its antioxidants, make it one of the best foods for the general health of the body.

However, many people are unaware that when you combine this oil with lemon, it forms a mixture with incredible virtues for the body. In this article, we explain the reasons why it is good to consume it.

For the balance of the liver and gallbladder

This is one of the best virtues of this medicinal recipe. Thanks to its purifying qualities, it has the power to cleanse the liver and the gallbladder. While facilitating the elimination of waste in these same organs.

It is an excellent remedy for times of inflammation and heaviness. Because it facilitates the cleaning of the toxins which are at the origin of the bad symptoms.

This mixture can also stimulate slow digestions and decrease acidity in the body to prevent the development of certain diseases.

This cure helps prevent cardiovascular disease

The essential fatty acids provided by olive oil and the antioxidant compounds in lemon act positively on the cardiovascular system. They reduce, for example, the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

Thanks to this important effect, its daily ingestion guarantees good blood circulation and optimal cardiac functioning.

This helps reduce the risk of developing serious diseases like arteriosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

She takes care of the skin, hair and nails

The antioxidants in olive oil and lemon act as the best protectors against oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Which are the cause of premature aging of the skin and hair.

On the other hand, olive oil and lemon concentrate essential nutrients that strengthen fragile nails to stimulate their growth.

In addition, thanks to their antiseptic and astringent properties, they act as an effective treatment for skin problems and dandruff.

How to prepare the cure with olive oil and lemon?

This olive oil and lemon cure requires no other ingredients. The simple combination of these two ingredients creates a powerful blend for a healthier and younger body.


  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (5 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (16 g)


  • Every day, on an empty stomach, dilute the lemon juice in extra virgin olive oil and consume immediately.
  • Wait at least 30 minutes before having breakfast.
  • To detoxify the liver, take it every day for a month in a row.
  • You can prepare the same formula to improve digestion and lower cholesterol.
  • You can do this several times a year, depending on your needs.

If you are doing it for aesthetic reasons, prepare this same mixture in larger quantities, depending on the use you will give it.

Remember you must take the recommended dose, because if you take too much it could be counterproductive. 

Once the treatment is finished, you will be able to feel the positive changes in your health. But it is important to continue to follow a healthy diet to avoid future liver problems.

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