Why Is Sparkling Water Dangerous During Pregnancy?

Carbonated water is a drink that has many benefits for healthy people. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women with kidney, cardiovascular or gastrointestinal health problems. We tell you why.

Carbonated water is a drink that is very popular because of its various benefits. Plus, it doesn’t contain any chemicals, sugars, or ingredients commonly found in sodas. But why would it be dangerous to drink sparkling water during pregnancy?

A large number of myths emerged on this subject. In fact, whether it is good to consume it or not is always a subject for debate. It is important to resolve this question because in some cases it may be desirable to avoid it.

Water consumption during pregnancy

Water is the most important component of the human body. In fact, it makes up about half of your body weight. On the other hand, in an infant, water can represent about 75% of its weight.

However, during pregnancy, there was a redistribution of water in a woman’s body. During the lactation period, about 87-90% of the composition of milk is water. For this reason, it is necessary to maintain excellent hydration for the nutritional status of both the child and the mother to be good.

Research published in  Birth Defects Research determined that optimal water intake improves the quality of a pregnant woman’s diet and reduces the risk of birth defects. 

Are all the drinks good?

during pregnancy

Not all drinks are recommendable. It is clear that alcoholic, carbonated, sweet, energy, caffeinated or theine drinks are not healthy. Neither are juices, industrial smoothies or flavored teas and waters.

Mineral water will always be the best option. However, we can consider that the natural drinks that we prepare at home, with fresh ingredients, without any sweeteners,  are healthy.

About sparkling water

The water with which we meet our body’s demand comes from different sources. It can come from the ingestion of liquids and food (2300 ml per day) or from the production of water resulting from cellular metabolism (200 ml per day).

In general, drinking sparkling water is safe for women during pregnancy, if we consume it in a timely manner. There are, however, special conditions in which it is advisable to limit its consumption, as we will see below.

What is sparkling water?

It is of a  water  containing carbonic acid and minerals. According to information on  Wikipedia ,  the process of carbonation can occur artificially or naturally by absorbing carbon dioxide stored in rocks.

The population of some countries consume it regularly. They consider that it facilitates digestion, especially in people with dyspepsia. It  is  also  said to stimulate the secretion of gastric juices  and also counteracts heartburn.

Why is sparkling water dangerous during pregnancy?

Carbonated water is a drink that we can drink in moderation during pregnancy, if the mother is healthy. Now, in case you are suffering from any of the following illnesses, it is better to avoid its consumption.


during pregnancy
Risk factors such as diet and sedentary lifestyle play an important role in the development of hypertension.

In general, sodium is almost always present in all types of water, and sparkling water is no exception. Several studies have concluded that salt (sodium chloride) is one of the main causes of hypertension.

So the risks of increased blood pressure depend on different genotypes or hereditary patterns, especially those related to the development of hypertension. Therefore, if the pregnant woman has hypertension or has a familial tendency for high blood pressure, she should avoid salt, including carbonated water.

Abdominal distension

Clinical conditions such as meteorism, aerophagia and flatulence are alterations in intestinal motility which prevent the absorption of gases produced in the intestine. Hence, there is pain and swelling in the abdominal area.

These conditions usually occur when eating too fast, either because of stress or from eating foods that produce gas. However, gas retention is also one of the first symptoms of pregnancy.

This is due to the increase in progesterone, a substance that slows down digestion by relaxing body tissues. This then causes gas, swelling and gas.

As mentioned earlier, carbonated water contains carbon dioxide, which can cause gas. For this reason, if you are already suffering from any form of abdominal distension, gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable or inflamed bowel, it is recommended that you avoid drinking carbonated water to avoid aggravating the discomfort. abdominal.

As you can see, sparkling water is a healthy liquid that provides different benefits for healthy men and women. However, in pregnant women, it should be consumed with caution, especially if you have a cardiovascular, kidney or gastrointestinal health problem.

  • Montgomery, Kristen S. “Nutrition Column An Update on Water Needs during Pregnancy and Beyond.” The Journal of perinatal education  vol. 11.3 (2002): 40-2. doi: 10.1624 / 105812402X88830
  • Alman BL, Coffman E, Siega-Riz AM, Luben TJ; National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Associations between Maternal Water Consumption and Birth Defects in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (2000-2005). Birth Defects Res . 2017; 109 (3): 193–202. doi: 10.1002 / bdra.23569
  • Cuomo, R., Grasso, R., Sarnelli, G., Capuano, G., Nicolai, E., Nardone, G.,… Ierardi, E. (2002). Effects of carbonated water on functional dyspepsia and constipation. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. https://doi.org/10.1097/00042737-200209000-00010

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