Why Do I Have A Headache When I Wake Up?

To avoid a morning headache, it is essential to know its possible triggers. If it is very recurrent or does not respond to common patterns, it is better to consult a specialist.

The headache or headache is unbearable at any time of the day.

The causes may be different depending on the time of day or the intensity of the discomfort.

If when you wake up in the morning you feel like a drum banging hard in the temples, feeling nauseous, or you can’t even open your eyes, you might want to see a doctor.

In this article, we are going to tell you what are the reasons why morning headache occurs.

Why does my head hurt when I get up?

It is common for people to seek medical help because they can no longer endure the morning headache.

Even if they take pain relievers, the pain never goes away completely and many experience it all day long. The most common causes of morning headache are:

Inflammation of the nasal passages

When inflammation takes place behind the nose, eyes, and cheeks (front part of the head) and we stand up upon awakening, the result is a terrible headache.

In these cases, it is necessary to treat the allergy or infection that causes sinus swelling to reduce symptoms.

Sleep apnea

sleep apnea can cause a headache when you wake up

This condition is defined as “slight stops breathing” when sleeping. Since the brain does not receive oxygen for several seconds, when we wake up, the head throws us.

The unmistakable signs are dark circles and excessive fatigue (even if you go to bed early). If we are sleeping with someone, we can ask them if we are snoring as this can be further evidence of this problem.

Sleep alterations

Beyond apnea, which is a clinical condition, there are also other emotional and psychological factors that do not allow us to sleep or rest properly.

Stress, daily concerns, or anxiety can affect the quality of sleep.

A lot of people go to bed late and get up too early (and don’t sleep the “regular” 8 hours). This necessarily affects the quality of sleep.

Negative emotions and recurring nightmares also cause migraines.

Being bothered by noises or outside lights (an open tap, street light, the television on, snoring, etc.) does not encourage rest and generates headaches.

Muscle tension

If we don’t get enough sleep, if we adopt bad posture, and if we suffer from nightmares or insomnia, the muscles in the neck and shoulders tighten, press on the skull and produce a headache.

It is necessary to use a pillow and a suitable mattress to be able to rest well, but also to support the spine as well as the cervical ones.

Excess medication

When the pain occurs twice or more each week, it is common to resort to medication (prescribed or over the counter).

Excessive use of analgesics causes a counterproductive effect. This means that the same drugs also cause pain in the morning.

Some of the types of medications that are best avoided so that you don’t have a continual migraine headache include:

  • Aspirin
  • Paracetamol
  • Decongestants
  • Pain relievers
  • Narcotics

The dehydration

It should be remembered that during the night we do not consume any liquids or food.

While the body is not moving during daylight hours, it still needs to be hydrated.

When we drink enough water, the blood vessels in the head constrict to balance the fluid levels in the body.

This makes it difficult for oxygen to get into the blood and causes a headache. 


Bruxism is a very common condition in children (although it is also found in adults) and it involves “grinding your teeth” when you sleep.

This unconscious habit tenses the jaw muscles and negatively impacts the head, which can cause pain and discomfort when getting up.

An incorrect position

One of the most common mistakes we make when sleeping and which affects the feeling of getting up is of course the wrong positions.

This means that if we sleep “rolled up” or in a strange position, we will surely have headaches, backs, necks, shoulders etc. the next day. 

Avoid positioning your head too low and try to fall asleep on your back or on your side. It is best not to sleep on your stomach.

Remember that a good posture of both the head and the back helps the blood flow properly and prevents morning pain.

Blood pressure and diabetes

Both of these conditions can trigger migraines in the morning. This is because the blood vessels in both cases dilate.

The blood pressure then increases and the muscles tighten, which has a strong impact on the head.

The orientation of the bed

orientation of the bed can affect the morning headache

We refer to the teachings of  feng shui . According to this oriental philosophy, the bed should always face north, to promote rest and relaxation during the night.

Of course there is a “scientific” reason for this: it is the magnetism exerted by the center of the earth and which acts like a magnet on us.

Restless legs syndrome

This syndrome is described as an uncontrollable urge to move the lower extremities.

This is one of the causes of impaired sleep because it causes muscle spasms and keeps the brain constantly vigilant. It can drift into a headache upon awakening.

If, in addition to the headache, you experience nausea, vomiting or blurred vision in the morning, we recommend that you seek immediate medical attention.

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