When Food Influences Body Odor

Not smelling good is not just a question of hygiene, it is a phenomenon that is strongly dependent on our eating habits. If you have body odor issues, we recommend that you reduce your intake of certain ingredients.

We’re talking about body odor here, not about eating raw garlic and failing to get its smell out of our mouths, even though we brush our teeth ten times or chew on candy. mint.

Did you know that certain foods can give us bad body odor? Through perspiration we can emit a rather unpleasant aroma if we consume certain ingredients.

In the rest of this article, we’ll explain why.

Food and body odor

Sometimes we have a hard time understanding why we smell bad. Despite the fact that we took two showers or changed our clothes. Our deodorant and toothpaste are of no help to us.

The bad odor you can smell is coming directly from the pores of your skin.

Certain foods can alter our smell, by increasing the acidity of our sweat. This sour smell of our sweat is due to an imbalance in our organic chemistry, which can occur when we exercise for example.

The toxins in our body are eliminated through the stool, urine, exhalation and perspiration.

But if our diet is not adequate, especially when it is based on foods that are too acidic, it is very likely that our body will start to emit a stronger smell than usual.

Why ? Because it has to work harder to expel the waste it contains.

What are the foods that cause these bad smells?

If you’ve tried everything to be clean and your hygiene feels good, look no further. It’s the food you eat that makes you smell bad.

There is no point in changing clothes, putting on perfume or talc.

We will present to you, in the rest of this article, all the foods that can influence our body odor.

Red meat

red meat affects body odor

Charles University in Prague has carried out a very interesting study on the subject.

The researchers collected the sweat of men who ate red meat, as well as that of vegetarians. They then asked a group of women to smell the different scents. Then say which ones they found the most unpleasant.

According to a large majority of the participants, the smells of the men who ate red meat were by far the most foul-smelling.


This food causes halitosis, but also bad body odor.

Garlic is however essential to many dishes that we consume on a daily basis. But it contains volatile substances that are released through sweat. When absorbed into the blood and through the lungs, they release terrible aromas through the skin and through the breath.

Hydrogenated oils

They are used by fast food chains and they have the particularity of breaking down very quickly in the body. No sooner have you finished eating your burger (which usually contains red meat, and you know what that means), when your body odor seems unbearable.

The skin becomes oilier and more fragrant. No matter what you do, you can’t stop your skin from emitting a foul odor. It’s all because of the fries and the sandwich you ate on the run.

A situation however very easy to avoid.

The curry

Very aromatic spices, such as curry or cumin, are perfect for giving an original flavor to our favorite dishes. But they are real enemies of our personal hygiene.

When we eat an Indian dish, for example, and exercise immediately afterwards, our sweat will emit a very strong odor, which will not disappear after a shower or a bath.

The alcohol

Alcoholic beverages have more drawbacks than benefits. If you go out and drink excessively, you will only have one craving when you wake up. Wash yourself to get rid of the foul odor your body emits.

Alcohol passes through our blood, then is eliminated in part through the pores of our skin and through our breathing. This is why your breath can be terrible after a drunken night.

The cold cuts

Cold cuts produce more or less the same effects as red meat and fast food. If you like sausages and pâté, and tend to consume them regularly, look no further for the reasons for your bad body odor.

These foods break down in our body and cause increased stomach acidity, as well as gas.

If you’ve noticed that you’re not feeling very good lately, it’s best to stop eating cold meats for a little while.


They are excellent for our body and very healthy. So after eating it, you won’t notice a bad smell emanating from your skin, but rather from your urine. The strong aroma of urination is caused by mercaptan sulfur, a compound found in asparagus.


Fish doesn’t smell bad from the moment we buy it until the moment we cook it. But it continues to spread its scent after we digest it.

This does not happen with everyone. But only in people who have an inherited metabolic disorder known as trimethylaminuria.

This problem prevents complete decomposition of the fish. This complicates the task of the body when it comes to eliminating the toxins it contains.

Cruciferous vegetables

Cabbages and broccoli are delicious and have been found in thousands of recipes. However, they belong to a family of very fragrant vegetables because they are high in sulfur.

These vegetables can cause foul-smelling gas, similar to rotten egg. If you like them a lot, you can eat them from time to time. Especially since they provide you with antioxidants and nutrients that are excellent for your health.


Are you one of those people who can’t start their day without a good cup of coffee? Do you even drink several cups of it throughout your work day?

This is why you may be feeling a bad odor coming from your body. Caffeine stimulates the sweat glands and increases sweating.


This food brings a real plus to our meals and is just as essential in cooking as garlic. However, it can cause bad odors which will be especially noticeable on the skin and on the breath, especially if you eat raw onion.

The oils in the onion pass through the blood stream, then into the lungs, before exiting the body through perspiration.

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