What You Don’t Know About Coffee

Despite coffee’s bad reputation for years, various studies have verified that coffee can be very beneficial, both for our physical and psychological health .

Coffee is one of the most recognized drinks in the world, and not only for its exquisite taste, but also for its special characteristics.

It is true that a breakfast without coffee can be complicated for many people.

A little history

Its aroma and taste are not its only mysteries, since its origin is still unknown. Nevertheless, historians place its appearance around the 13th century.

Around this time, the ancestors of the Oromo people in Ethiopia discovered the energizing effects present in the beans of the coffee plant.

However, their origin dates back to 1671. At that time, a goat breeder claimed that his herd had experienced its properties.

Years later, the grains were spread by other countries. They were first ground and roasted in Arabia.

In the fifteenth century, the word “coffee” was used for the first time. It is a derivative of the Arabic term “qahhwat al-boun ou”, which means “wine of the grain”.

Finally, it spread to continents such as Europe, North America and South America. It is there that it developed the most and it is currently one of the most consumed drinks.

The popularity of coffee


Beyond flavor and aroma, coffee presents a host of other valid arguments to make it popular and irresistible among men.

One of the main ones is its antioxidant property linked to its components, among which caffeine stands out.

Some of its benefits on the body:

  • Disease prevention
  • Concentration aid
  • Greater mental agility

The benefits of coffee

Based on the above, we will outline a series of benefits offered by one of the most popular and delicious drinks on the planet.

It contributes to mental well-being

coffee contributes to mental health

The mind needs care to keep itself in peak condition. Coffee can be very useful due to its content of magnesium and potassium fluoride.

These three minerals are essential for good brain function.

He treats depression

A lot of people claim to feel better when they drink coffee, and that’s not just a guess.

  • Thanks to its stimulating properties, this drink promotes the release of dopamine and endorphins.
  • These are responsible for providing happiness to the whole body. In this vein, coffee makes it easier to treat depression.

It delays aging

One of the main properties of coffee is its antioxidant effect. It acts on the cells of the body, in particular those of the skin.

  • Its action prevents premature aging, thus delaying the body’s natural action.
  • Likewise, certain internal organs are also favored by this property.

It prevents the appearance of cancers

Cancer occurs due to the division of malignant cells in the body, which grow without apparent control.

In the case of certain types of cancer, such as colorectal cancer, drinking coffee has been shown to be beneficial.

The secretion of bile acids is one of the main secondary factors in the development of cancer in these areas of the body. And coffee helps block these components.

A myth about coffee

Throughout history, after its discovery, coffee has been the subject of various tests, analyzes and studies. Particularly in recent decades.

These results have varied and changed over time.

As a result of these, for a time, the wonderful drink fell into a myth that pointed out that it was harmful to the body in general, possibly even leading to death.

However, progress in the studies has clarified the many conceptual gaps in this regard.

Currently, the WHO says about three cups of coffee improves quality of life, in addition to reducing the risk of death.

The first data in favor of this drink appeared in a study of more than 16 years, developed in 10 different countries belonging to the European continent.

The aim is to continue to provide knowledge about coffee and its derivatives.


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