What To Do When We Feel Sad

Often we don’t know why we are feeling sad and how to change our feelings. Sadness is one of the most common emotions in human beings and can be triggered for a variety of reasons.

In this article, we’ll tell you what to do on those days when you’re feeling especially sad.

Tips to stop being sad

Obviously, we can’t expect magical or miraculous results from one minute to the next, but at least we have the opportunity to do everything in our power to improve the situation.

If we are sad, these habits can be very helpful :

1. Express your feelings when you are feeling sad

Express your feelings when you are feeling sad.

Crying or expressing our feelings is frowned upon by much of society. However, this is what we often need to stop feeling sad.

If you don’t want to talk about it with someone, write down your thoughts, fears, and anxieties in a notebook. Sometimes this allows us to have a clearer picture of our emotions and helps us find a solution.

It doesn’t matter the syntax or order when writing or if you talk about different topics at the same time. Let the emotions flow, the idea is that you can let off steam through what you write on the paper.

2. Rest your mind

When we are sad, we don’t feel like doing anything that involves too much focus or effort. This makes it difficult for us to exercise, meet our obligations or be efficient at work.

A good way to feel better is to enjoy an enjoyable activity without thinking about anything in particular.

For example, you can watch a chapter of your favorite series or a comedy movie. Another option is to lie on the sofa and read a good book, while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee.

The act of watching funny videos can be used to entertain the mind and not think about what caused sadness.

3. Laugh if you feel sad

Although it may sound contradictory and even if it is a forced smile. The very act of laughing improves your mood because you will release hormones called endorphins. Try to do it in front of the mirror: first smile, then laugh at your own jokes.

And if that doesn’t work, remember the recommendation to watch funny videos or movies. You can even ask a friend or coworker to tell you jokes. Everything can help!

4. Walk your pet

This activity has many benefits for you and your pet.

When we are sad, we don’t want to go out on the streets, however, when we adopt an animal we take on a certain responsibility, like taking it out for a walk. This might be the perfect excuse to get some fresh air.

Without realizing it, you will oxygenate your lungs and exercise, plus you can focus on what is going on around you. Take a walk down the street, look for a bench in the park, pick up your pet’s litter, etc.

5. Analyze all the positives

Sadness is usually based on something negative that then develops to affect us in different aspects of life. Don’t give him this opportunity!

When we are sad we see everything in black as if we have a cloud above our head. How to reverse this feeling?

A good way to remedy this is to think of beautiful things. Around you, you will find dozens of situations, people and objects that will make you thankful and lucky.

Think about fond memories, trips taken, friends and relatives, the food you eat every day, personal accomplishments.

Every day, make an effort to find something new that will make you smile and be happy. It could be a detail, like sitting in the subway when you get home, or a big emotion like knowing the love of your life.

6. Tidy up

In order for your mind to think clearly, you need order in what you see. Therefore, if your bedroom, living room or study is in a mess, it is very difficult to feel good.

Also, this task can be used to clear your mind. You will have to think about the place of each object, what to throw in the trash, what to repair or wash, etc.

7. Dance and sing if you feel sad

Dance and sing if you are feeling sad.

Much like feeling better when you force yourself to smile, your body will change dramatically if you listen to music.

It will even move according to the rhythm! Turn on the radio or a selection of Internet videos while doing your daily activities. There is nothing more relaxing than cleaning your house while listening to pleasant songs.

If that still doesn’t work for you, you can try singing loudly in front of the mirror. Use the hairbrush, water bottle, or pen as a microphone. You will have fun and forget about the sadness.

8. Eat a fruit if you are feeling sad.

Or a little piece of chocolate. Food can be the perfect incentive when we are sad. But, of course, we have to be careful with our choices.

Although during these sad times you would prefer to eat something fatty or sweet, try to choose what is healthy. A piece of fruit, a handful of nuts, toast with ham or unsweetened popcorn.

Thanks to these foods, the brain releases serotonin, a hormone linked to happiness.

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