What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers have made possible an aesthetic procedure that improves the appearance of teeth. At present, it is a treatment in great demand in dentistry. What does a dental veneer consist of? Here, we detail it to you.

In recent years, dental veneers have become popular in dental treatments because they contribute to dental aesthetics. In general, it is a procedure that allows you to design a prosthesis with an almost natural appearance. In addition, they protect the teeth from damage. Do you want to know more?

What is dental aesthetics?

First of all, to understand the functions of dental veneers, it is necessary to explain what dental aesthetics are and what they are used for. Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that is responsible for improving the appearance of teeth so that a person can show a more aesthetic smile. In general, it helps to solve problems such as:

  • Dental asymmetry.
  • Dark colors on the teeth.
  • Separation between the anterior teeth (diastemas).
  • Dental fractures
Teeth whitening.
Teeth whitening is one of the procedures that facilitate dental aesthetics.

In this way, in order to treat these dental problems, you find a series of procedures adapted according to the case :

  • Teeth whitening.
  • Aesthetic veneers.
  • Other restorative treatments.

With this, today there are many possibilities to achieve optimal dental aesthetics to satisfy those in need. Some of these treatments are carried out in one session, leaving excellent results. However, you need to make sure you maintain good oral hygiene.

All of these factors, along with periodic check-ups with the dentist, will ensure that the oral cavity remains in good condition. Now let’s see what dental veneers are and what are their benefits.

What are dental veneers?

Cosmetic dental veneers are made of thin sheets of different materials such as porcelain, the thickness of which can vary between 0.8 and 1.5 millimeters. They are thus installed on the surface of the external face of the teeth, so as to camouflage the natural tooth.

Nowadays, it is one of the most demanded cosmetic dental procedures, as it usually solves different problems that make teeth look bad, such as color changes, diastemas, malpositions or alterations in shape. teeth.

In addition, this restoration also leaves a natural finish, as it only covers the front of the teeth. It is usually necessary to make a small carving of the part to obtain adequate final thickness when gluing the veneer. This veneer is glued to the tooth with a special adhesive cement which allows a lasting fixation.

How many visits are required for a dental veneer treatment?

To carry out this treatment, several dental consultations are necessary. Unfortunately, this is not permanent. During the consultation, the professional is generally informed of the individual case of each patient and makes a diagnosis. From the latter, he can determine what is the best treatment for the problem.

A smiling woman.
The dental veneer installation procedure requires several dental office visits. Any question in this regard will be resolved by the professional.

Afterwards, the dentist shows the patient the different nuances and results so that he can see what the final effect of the treatment would look like. During the second visit, the teeth prepare to receive the veneers. The specialist begins to take measurements, photos and molds so that the veneers are as close as possible to the tooth.

The veneers are finally placed with a resin, so that the patient does not lose the functionality of his oral cavity. Whether composite or porcelain, dental veneers will correct any type of defect in the color, size and shape of the tooth.

How long do veneers last in the mouth?

The duration of this treatment depends on the material you choose for its manufacture. Let us see below the characteristics of the available options.

1. Porcelain veneers

They are made with ceramic material, which is stronger and more resistant. This type of restoration is indicated for those who have more serious conditions such as dental fractures, a large surface to be restored or a separation between the teeth. This is an expensive option although the color is more natural and they are more resistant. They generally last between 10 and 15 years.

2. Composite veneers

They are made with a synthetic resin that adheres to the tooth and is molded and worked on the tooth itself. The composite is indicated when there is a small anomaly in the teeth. It is an economical solution, when the surface to be restored is small or not very extensive. It’s also quick, since the resin veneers can be placed in one session.

Each tooth must therefore be made separately and sometimes the original tooth must be retouched. The veneers thus last between 5 and 10 years. In addition, the durability will also depend on the quality of the cosmetic dental treatment and the subsequent care of the patient himself.

A patient having dental veneers.
The duration of dental veneers depends on how the procedure is performed and, most importantly, the material of the veneers.

Composite veneers last less and lose their color, requiring subsequent touch-ups. However, porcelain veneers are more durable, they can be kept for the stipulated time and can be removed later without risk.

A facet may come off. In this case, they are cleaned and can be re-glued if they are not fractured.

Contraindications of dental veneers

Dental veneers should not be placed when the defect to be corrected is very serious or the tooth is severely destroyed. In this case, you should use other treatments such as crowns.

In the event that the patient has severely eroded the tooth enamel due to, for example, bruxism, the tooth must be sculpted and it could be destroyed. When the defect you want to hide is due to cavities, the veneers would only mask the origin and could make the situation worse.

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