Use Baking Soda For Your White Clothes. It Will Amaze You!

In addition to enhancing the shine of your white clothes, baking soda also helps fix colors and helps eliminate bad odors without damaging fabrics.

Baking soda is a good deodorant, and a great natural cleanser.

Used in washing and caring for clothes, it is a great way to gently clean clothes to remove bad smells and tough stains.

This ingredient can also help soften clothes, enhance the effect of laundry, and maintain white color.

In addition, it allows you to clean the washing machine.

Benefits of baking soda for hand washing

Using baking soda for washing clothes instead of laundry helps protect the environment. You should know that laundry contains aggressive ingredients, which can damage the planet.

  • Baking soda softens the water used to wash clothes. In addition, it contributes to the formation of foam.
  • It is also of great help in balancing the pH levels in the washing machine water. This will make your clothes whiter and cleaner.
  • Did you know it’s a great fabric softener? In clothes washing cycles, we can therefore add half a cup.
  • On the stains on your clothes, even if they are very tough, persistent and sticky, baking soda can be of great help to you.
  • If you add it with cold water (instead of hot water) in the prewash, the colors will be vibrant longer and the white brighter.

Soak clothes beforehand

If you want to take advantage of its deodorizing properties, you can soak your clothes in baking soda solution overnight.

This will give it more time to effectively remove bad odors from clothes. It also works well for towels and other clothing that is soaked in smoke, mold, or sweat.


  • 1 cup of baking soda (200 g)
  • 4 liters of water


  • In a large container, combine the two ingredients. Add the clothes and stir to soak it well. If necessary, add water.
  • Let it soak overnight and the clothes will be ready to be machine washed the next day.

Baking soda in the washing machine

  • Add half a cup of baking soda to the washing machine when it is completely full of water, pouring the product straight out, so that it dissolves in the water.
  • Then finish the wash cycle as usual.
  • If you wash a lot of clothes in a single wash cycle, you can add up to a full cup.
  • Vinegar is always a very interesting ingredient in washing clothes. So you can add a cup of white vinegar to enhance the deodorizing effects of baking soda.

Drying in the open air

The best way to air out clothes that smelled of moisture, sweat or smoke before washing is to air dry them.

Let the clothes dry with the sun and the wind: this will refresh them.

Even on cold winter days, you can let your clothes air dry. It is enough to choose a place exposed to the sun.

You can also use the dryer. When the drying cycle is finished, smell the clothes to see if they need a second wash.

How to remove stains?

You can also take advantage of baking soda as a natural stain remover. It is soft enough to be used for any type of fabric.


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)
  • Water


  • It is enough to form a thick paste with the two ingredients. You can also use hydrogen peroxide or vinegar instead of normal water.
    This paste is perfect for removing stains from oil, grease, mud, food and other substances.
  • To apply the paste, rub lightly on the stain. Make sure to cover the entire area where the stain is located, especially the edges.
    Let sit on the stain for 15 minutes.
  • When the stain is on stubborn fabrics, you can scrub using an old toothbrush. If they are delicate fabrics, such as silk or satin, it is important not to rub because they could be damaged.

Finally, rinse the clothes thoroughly with lukewarm tap water to correct any excess. On the most delicate fabrics, use a wet cloth.

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