Try This Delicious Beer Chicken Recipe!

Although beer is one of the ingredients, this beer chicken recipe does not contain alcohol since it evaporates during cooking. It therefore adapts to young and old alike.

Is it possible to prepare a truly surprising recipe? One that is completely out of your usual cookbook? The answer is yes and you will see how. What do you think of a delicious beer chicken? Today you will learn that it is possible to use your creativity to prepare an incomparable and excellent dish. Motivate yourself and test it! It’s not that hard in the air!

To begin with, chicken is one of the ingredients with the most existing recipes to its credit, on tasty skewers or with a touch of citrus or orange or lemon. Literally, almost everything is done to emphasize the juiciness and tenderness of this protein meat, except with beer. In this specific case, we are therefore including an exceptional element.

Use of alcohol in the kitchen

Beer in the kitchen

There are a lot of myths behind the use of alcohol in the preparation of meals, although it always depends on where you are. Still, in countries like Italy, France, Argentina, Chile and even Spain, these cooking techniques are very popular, including children.

This is significant information. Some people might think that beer chicken is not suitable for the little ones. This is far from true. Indeed, beer is used to create a contrast between the juicy flavor of the chicken and the bitter touch given by the alcoholic drink.

Likewise, once heated in a pan and reduced to a sauce for the dish, most of the ethyl properties of beer evaporate, leaving only a strong taste, without having an influence on the nervous system.

If you are curious to learn the recipe for Beer Chicken, don’t wait any longer. Remember that this is an ambitious dish since you have to control the time and intensity of cooking and therefore pay attention to the smallest detail.

You just need to know the steps to be able to make this amazing beer chicken. Savor it and have as much fun as we did during each step of the preparation.

Delicious beer chicken, a culinary wonder

Can we use any type of beer for this recipe?

Meats and beer

Answering this question correctly is quite a challenge, since it depends on individual tastes. In general, the Pilsen type beer is the most recommended and the most used. Not only because it usually does not contain preservatives, even in commercial brands, but also because it does not alter the taste too much.

However, if you prefer to enjoy more intense flavors, dark beer will add a little sweeter touch. The chicken stew will be darker and look like a traditional stew: sweet and sticky. This change is mainly due to brewer’s yeast and storage processes.

Therefore, if you use one type of beer rather than another, you should be aware that it will affect the seasoning of the stew. Other aspects are also to be taken into account: the quantity you will use, the intensity of the fire and the vegetables you will choose. A good tip is to brown the onion with an ounce of beer.

Beer chicken recipe


  • 6 chicken thighs (about 900 gr)
  • ½ cup of wheat flour (60 gr)
  • 2 onions
  • 3 garlic cloves without skin
  • 2 cups of Pilsen-type beer (500 ml)
  • 1 cup of chicken broth (250 mL)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (30 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (15 gr)
  • 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper (5 gr)


Chicken thighs

  • Start by cutting the onions into rings. Finely chop the garlic cloves and set aside.
  • Next, lay the chicken thighs on a wooden board and make sure you salt them well.
  • Then, pass the chicken thighs in the wheat flour. It is not necessary to cover them entirely.
  • Then, in a pan with olive oil, superficially brown the chicken. The idea is to keep it raw on the inside but golden on the outside. Book.
  • In the same pan, brown the onions and garlic. Lower the heat to minimum, cover and wait 2 minutes.
  • Once you have browned the condiments well, pour in the beer then replace the lid and wait for it to reduce by half.
  • Immediately after, add the chicken thighs to the pan along with the chicken broth. And cook for 45 minutes.
  • Once the time has elapsed, you will need to check and adjust the seasoning, if necessary, before serving.

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