Try Strawberry Water To Detoxify Your Body!

It is not necessary to follow a strict diet to accompany strawberry water. We can consume the latter for breakfast to purify our body and benefit from all its properties.

Strawberries are not only a beautiful and delicious fruit that often accompanies our tastiest desserts, but strawberries are also a food that contains a multitude of vitamins, substances and antioxidants for the good of our organism.

Indeed, strawberries can cleanse our body, strengthen it and even help us lose weight!

The benefits of strawberries lie mainly in its water, which is incredibly rich in minerals and vitamins. This gives the opportunity to take advantage of its properties and develop a diet for 3 days.

On the other hand, we can simply benefit from this water in order to maintain a certain balance in our body and to detoxify it thanks to the strawberry water.

Why should we cleanse our body?

Strawberries for the body.

  • The human body stores an incredible amount of toxins , substances that enter through internal or external routes, when we receive elements from the atmosphere or when we ingest food, or when it is the result of the production of our body because of the action of free radicals, intestinal bacteria, parasites, etc.
  • Our purifying system, formed by the liver and kidneys, sometimes accumulates toxins and reveals a series of symptoms: colds, fatigue, acne, headaches, stress …
  • Consuming the water from strawberries will help us to purify our body naturally, thus allowing the body to restore itself to health by relieving the work of the kidneys and the liver!

The other benefits of strawberries

The strawberry and its benefits.

  • It has great diuretic, purifying and antioxidant power.
  • Rich in vitamins A, C and E.
  • It is rich in iron, vitamin K and folic acid.
  • She takes care of our heart.
  • Strawberries have anti-inflammatory properties, which is good for our muscles or for fighting any bone disease.
  • Strawberries contain soluble fiber, which helps absorb carbohydrates and helps keep sugar levels in balance.
  • It is very useful in combating constipation.

How to prepare strawberry water?

Strawberry water preparation.

Strawberry water is ideal for lunches or to be consumed for ten days to properly detoxify the body.

Its preparation is very simple and easy to do, and does not require any additional sugar. You just have to mix the essential ingredients in this recipe!

Ingredients for a drink every day:

  • 5 strawberries
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 2 mint leaves
  • Some water


  1. The first thing to do is to wash the ingredients well, then submerge them in boiling water for a few minutes. However, make sure the strawberries are fresh and in good condition so that you can fully enjoy their benefits!
  2. Now put all the ingredients in a blender: the strawberries, lemon juice and mint leaves. You will thus obtain a very homogeneous mixture.
  3. Add a glass of water to this mixture.
  4. With a few more ice cubes, the drink will be even more refreshing!

It is recommended for:

  • People who have high uric acid levels.
  • Those who suffer from arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Those who suffer from hypertension or cardiovascular problems.
  • In case of anemia, since this recipe increases the levels of vitamin C, in order to better synthesize iron.
  • For people with diabetes, those with hypoglycemia problems or those with impaired glucose metabolism.
  • To children and pregnant women, given its richness in vitamins.
  • For anyone with a swollen stomach who wants to cleanse their body a little.

It is not recommended for:

  • Strawberry water is not recommended for people who suffer from colitis, irritable bowel disease, or have a delicate bowel.

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