Top 3 Grains For Weight Loss

Oats are highly recommended for people with diabetes because they regulate blood sugar levels. In addition, it helps us eliminate fat.

Tired of those fad diets that don’t work? In today’s article, we want to bring you some healthy, easy-to-follow tips to improve your quality of life.  We recommend that you include these three wonderful grains in your diet for weight loss. So you have nothing to lose, except weight!

Grains For Weight Loss, Do They Work?

Teff or oats are ideal as a weight loss cereal.

Lately, replacing your evening meal with cereals for weight loss has become very fashionable. Many brands try to convince us that this is an ideal way to lose weight. However, we must remain vigilant.

Indeed, cereals are a supplement to our diet, which is why they should not replace lunch or dinner.

However, they are great as a supplement to help us lose weight. Their secret lies in the following:

  • Grains for weight loss make you feel full  and avoid eating between meals. They provide us with nutrients and fibers that give us enough energy to last until mealtime.
  • You can supplement cereals with protein. For example, you can prepare for dinner a piece of salmon or turkey in the oven. Then you can eat a bowl of oats with some fruit. This meal is ideal because the caloric index remains low, which allows us to lose weight.
  • One should not overdo the consumption of cereals to lose weight. Your best bet is to eat a bowl of oats, teff, or chia seeds per day. Since they help digestion and provide us with nutrients and a feeling of fullness, they allow us to lose up to half a kilo per week. But don’t overdo it. In addition, consider following a low fat diet. Exercise too!

The best grains for weight loss

1. The new trendy cereal for weight loss: teff

Teff gives you a feeling of fullness which is useful when you want to eat cereals for weight loss.

Chances are you’ve never heard of this cereal, yet it’s increasingly popular with celebrities. Several studies have shown that teff is very effective in slimming down and maintaining a beautiful silhouette. In addition, it is excellent for health.

But, what is teff? It is a cereal that has always been cultivated in Africa. It is over 5,000 years old, and is sold in countries around the world. You can easily find it in your usual supermarket or health food stores. Teff is ideal for maintaining good health because it provides vitamins and is rich in iron.

As if that weren’t enough, teff is high in carbohydrates, fiber, and gluten-free. This cereal is also recommended for people with type II diabetes.

But what is his secret to helping us lose weight? Teff is incredibly healthy for our body. It satiates us, regulates fat burning, is easy to digest, relieves constipation, eliminates toxins, and promotes bowel movement.

How to consume it? Nothing could be easier, you can mix it with vegetable milks for breakfast, you can make bread, cakes, cookies, granola bars, etc. It only takes a small amount to be full, and enjoy all of its nutrients. Isn’t that fabulous?

2. The wonderful properties of oats

Oats help to regulate the level of sugar in the blood and therefore to be able to eat cereals to lose weight.

You probably already know that oats ranks as one of the best super foods. Indeed, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) describes this cereal as one of the most nutritious and healthiest. So don’t hesitate to add it to our food pyramid.

But did you know that it is excellent when it comes to shedding extra pounds? Not only does this cereal give us a feeling of satiety, but it also acts as a  food regulator which facilitates our digestion, thus allowing us to eliminate fat little by little. However, to get results, you have to be consistent and consume it on a daily basis.

In addition, it is rich in fibers, vitamins, and trace elements. Oats are also recommended for people with diabetes because they help regulate blood sugar levels. 

If you suffer from liver problems, also know that its lecithin content helps to cleanse and cleanse the liver. This cereal, on its own, is excellent for cleansing the body, and eliminating harmful substances that accumulate, as well as fat.

Oats are therefore a little gift from nature that it would be a shame to leave on the shelves. It will help you lose weight if you consume it daily for breakfast with fruit, vegetable milks. You can also prepare oat water, which you can drink with every meal. Does this appeal to you?

3. Chia seeds, a source of health

Chia seeds are great as a weight loss cereal.

These seeds are very trendy, but technically they are not grains. However, they have so many benefits that we couldn’t help but mention them. In addition to their long therapeutic tradition in health and nutrition, it’s time to rediscover chia seeds as an ally against extra pounds. You are probably wondering where their fame comes from? Why are they so popular?

First of all, you should know that they are an excellent source of fiber, antioxidants, calcium, protein, and omega 3 fatty acids.  Among all the multiple properties, they allow us to avoid snacking. between meals thanks to their satiety effect.

You may be surprised to learn that chia seeds absorb ten times their weight in water, so you can combine them with liquids, milkshakes, and even yogurt. Chia seeds fill us up, and provide us with many nutritional benefits.

These seeds are easy to digest, prevent constipation, and regulate blood sugar levels. They are fantastic, and worth consuming regularly.

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