Tips To Take Into Account If You Like To Run

Running is an activity that provides endless benefits but also requires certain physical, technical and mental conditions to develop optimally. Check out some important tips in this article.

The tips to take into account if you like to run are organized according to the training,  the ideal technique, mental strength for times of fatigue and stretching that will avoid any obstacle related to injury.

It is not surprising how much people have taken to running because this activity has multiple positive health effects. If we think about the benefits offered by running at a high pace, we can mention toning, increasing the capacity of the lungs and a valid alternative to deal with stress.

Training and technique tips for running

The runner has two well defined enemies which are injury and fatigue. Despite this, we can take steps to minimize the risks of the first factor and the direct impact of the second.

Prioritize the appropriate clothing and footwear for running

We must start by attaching great importance to shoes because they will be your main allies when running. They have to be light, that they adapt to the foot without pressing on an area and that they remain in their useful life range. Thus, the recommendation is to change them when they exceed the 800-850 kilometers traveled.

In the case of clothing, the main thing is to seek maximum comfort, as well as lightness and the ability to ensure a pleasant temperature for training. Being able to count on different clothes for each season is essential.

Reduce stride

In order to help save energy when running,  an effective technique is to reduce the length of the stride. This will reduce the effort with each step and provide greater resistance to the legs. A good way to tell if we are progressing well is to be guided by the recommended 180 steps per minute.

A woman running.

Watch centrally

One must maintain  the objective of the gaze towards a centralized area on the horizon. Thus, avoiding looking to the sides makes it possible to better manage long distances thanks to this perception of space.

Segment the maximum distance

Depending on the race you are going to do,  it is preferable to divide the workouts into several pieces. This means that, to prepare for a 5 kilometer race, we could do 1 kilometer of warm-up in order to get used to the muscles, 3 kilometers of running and the last kilometer at a slower pace.

Hydrate the body

Lack of hydration is one of the main reasons for lower performance. To avoid it,  you should drink between 5 and 7 milliliters of water for every kilo,  four hours before training or racing. After that, when there are only two hours left before the start, one drinks again between 3 and 5 milliliters per kilogram.

If we follow this hydration plan, immediately before exercise, the body will need water (between 200 and 400 milliliters). During the race, the recommendation is to drink every 20 minutes.

Mental strength tips if you love to run

Among the tips that a runner should know to reach their full potential, we cannot miss everything related to mental strength. The head can indeed be our greatest ally or our worst enemy during demanding physical activities.

Minimize the negative factor

When you have not achieved your best performance in a race or suffer from an injury, it is recommended that you reduce your perception of the problem. This can be done by  giving a touch of positivism to what happened and telling yourself that it will serve as a learning curve for the future.

Seek motivation

Seeking and finding the right motivation for a competition is the little extra that every runner needs. By finding a sense of great magnitude which will serve to nourish the cerebral motor, the perception of the efforts will be different.

Unify mind and body

This involves  learning to perceive, listen to and interpret the signals offered by the body when running. While it may seem odd, one way or another, it gives us clues about a physical discomfort announcing a risk of injury or a certain practice that does not promote performance.

Isolate yourself from comparisons

The mind is finicky and tends to look for problems where there are none. In this case, the comparisons of trying to gain more confidence and improve in a race are not good.

They can even limit and frustrate you. Therefore,  focus on yourself, on your good qualities and on what you are capable of achieving.

Vary internal dialogue

Pay special attention to your internal dialogue because  the way you set your goals can lead you down an unwanted path. One ad hoc way to do this is to replace the “I must” with the “I want”. In this way, you will send a message of emphatic improvement to your brain.

Helpful stretching exercise tips if you love to run

In order to avoid injury, stretching exercises are useful for a runner. There are two types: static and dynamic. We are therefore going to present you some alternatives to stretch you well when you go for a run.

A couple is doing some stretching.

Leg swing (dynamic)

Here you have to be still, with your feet parallel and apart. After that, you have to lift one foot and  make a semicircular clockwise motion. Finally, you need to increase the speed and repeat this stretching exercise with the other leg. It is recommended to perform this alternating oscillation between 18 and 20 times for each leg.

The slit (static)

Spread your feet a fair distance apart and in a diagonal outward position. Bend the right knee to an intermediate level and shift some of your weight to the right. The left leg should be fully extended. The exercise should then be performed on the other leg. The ideal is to do three stretches for each leg.

Quadriceps stretch (static)

A classic stretch but also essential for  runners. The first thing to do is to stay straight while catching your right foot with your right hand, this being enabled by flexing the knee. Balance should be maintained for 30 seconds. Then just do this exercise with the other leg.

Small cross race (dynamic)

As the name suggests,  it consists of taking small steps to the sides. You must first take a step to the right with the right foot, then a step forward with the left foot. We then change direction. For this exercise to be effective, you need an accelerated pace of movement.

Hamstring stretch (static)

Among the tips to consider if you like to run, we can not forget the hamstring stretch. To do this,  just sit on the floor with one leg extended and the other in the half-butterfly position.

Then you have to tilt the torso forward to try to touch the tiptoes, without bending the leg. Thirty seconds of stretching for each leg will suffice.

Final tips if you like to run

To round off this list of tips that you need to consider if you like to run, we’re going to offer you some brief recommendations that encompass both technique of movement and mind:

  • Set individual goals  and don’t use comparisons to torment yourself.
  • Respect good eating and hydration habits before, during and after the race.
  • Do not put too much strain on the stretching routine  as it could have a bad effect on your performance.
  • Make motivation your main source of energy.
  • Learn to listen to your body  to avoid injury after straining too much.
  • Optimize your strides to increase your resistance.
  • Visualize your mind and body as a team  when it comes to running.

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