Tips To Increase Your Children’s Self-esteem

If they do things alone, our children have the right to make mistakes and so learn from their mistakes, but if they achieve their goal will be all the more satisfying because they will have achieved what they want without help.

Childhood, adolescence and youth are stages of development and change during which children are very vulnerable to the pressure exerted on them by those around them. Children’s self-esteem is strained.

Indeed, it can negatively affect their self-esteem.

In this article, therefore, we are going to give you some tips that can help you help children deal with these feelings of worthlessness. This will allow them to become emotionally strong and intelligent people as well.

1. Become aware of a lack of self-esteem

Often, we are not aware that we are doing some way to emphasize too much the low self-esteem of our children, without realizing that it is difficult for them to overcome it.

Help them in an understanding and patient way to recognize that they are wrong in this perception of themselves. 

They must therefore be able to learn to detect when and why this is happening to them.

2. What is behind the lack of self-esteem

Behind the lack of self-esteem lies the need to be what you are not.

It is important to differentiate between things that can change, such as personality, and those that cannot be changed, such as physical, family, school, etc.

Anything our children can change should be presented as challenges, without any pressure being put on them.

Conversely, it will be necessary to explain to them that they must assume what they cannot change and learn to live with it.

3. The influence of friends

Our children’s friends tend to influence their self-esteem, since they are very important references for them. The most common is that they bring out the negative aspects.

For this reason, we are therefore going to offer you a game that they can play with their group of friends, and which serves as a simple therapy.

  • Each of them will have to say out loud what he likes least about himself, and then give the floor to his neighbor.
  • Next, children will have to say what they like most about others, both physically and psychologically.

This little game has a constructive purpose. Indeed, he encourages everyone to be sincere about himself and others.

In addition, children are often surprised to discover what others admire about them.

4. Learn and improve

In order for our children to be emotionally strong people, it is important to encourage them to learn about life, to learn to be independent and capable people, and to learn to imitate others.

You have to know how to let go of them so that they can make mistakes because in most cases, their lack of self-esteem is explained by our own insecurity that we transmit to them every time we prevent them from taking decisions. risks and act on their own.

5. Let them go so that they come back

As soon as we make the decision to give them more freedom to take risks and make their own decisions, we will see that they will come of their own accord to ask us for advice.

We will no longer be so on their backs, and they will be forced to take the first step in one direction.

If they are successful, they will be happy and satisfied that they have achieved this result.

If they are wrong, they will not be able to blame anyone else and they will learn to draw conclusions from their mistakes.

Flower essences for self-confidence

In natural medicine, one can find excellent supports for self-confidence, such as Bach flowers.

These flower essences naturally help us overcome some emotional issues, such as lack of confidence. 

They are not addictive and have no side effects or contraindications. They can be taken at any age, for as long as needed.

The most suitable Bach flowers are:

  • Larch: It is the most important flower for people who are not self-confident. Especially those who are still waiting for failure.
  • Centaury: This flower is suitable for people who have a fragile and submissive personality. We also recommend it for people who are always in the desire to please others.
  • Cerato: It is ideal for people who doubt themselves a lot and who always need to seek advice.
  • Chicory: This flower is effective when the lack of confidence is due to the feeling of not being loved, which leads to an excessive need for attachment and possession.
  • Pine: It is very suitable for people who have remorse all the time, which prevents them from moving forward safely.
  • Star of Bethlehem: This flower is suitable when insecurity is explained by trauma from the past.

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