Tips For Having Healthier Lungs

Exercises like yoga, meditation or taïchi teach us to breathe with different parts of our body like the stomach, diaphragm or chest.

We share with you in this article some amazing tips that will help you maintain healthy lungs in a simple and natural way.

For people who smoke, for those who suffer from frequent lung problems. Or quite simply for those who want to take care of their lungs and breathe better.

Learn to breathe well, take inhalations, improve your home’s ventilation, and clear all your phlegm for great results in a very short time.

Take inhalations

Do you know what inhalations are? These are deep breaths that we take with the help of vapors from medicinal plants that are beneficial for our lungs.

It is an excellent method for curing respiratory illnesses in children. But it also helps cleanse the lungs, especially for smokers.

How to proceed ? 

  • Boil two liters of water with medicinal herbs like pine, thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus, chamomile or oregano. 
  • Let it boil for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • When you see an aromatic vapor coming off, remove the pan from the heat.
  • Sit comfortably in front of her.
  • Cover your head with a towel, then lean over the slightly open pan.
  • Be careful not to burn yourself with excess steam.
  • Take deep inhalations through your nose, one nostril at a time, and also through your mouth.

Tips for having healthier lungs: inhalations

Eliminate phlegm

It is normal to get up in the morning and have a feeling of congestion. This could be due to the presence of phlegm in our respiratory system. They can cause serious problems, such as bronchitis for example.

To avoid this phlegm, you can follow these two simple and effective tips:

  • Perform nasal washes using a pear. This remedy is especially useful when the phlegm is still in the nasal cavity.

Conversely, when the phlegm is more inside the body, we must eliminate from our diet foods that cause phlegm such as:

  • Milk and dairy products:  especially with regard to cow’s milk. You can replace it with vegetable drinks.  
  • Flours  and all foods that contain them. You can eat dextrinized bread, which looks like rusks, and is much healthier than regular bread in these kinds of situations.

Learn to breathe well

When we talk about disorders of the respiratory system, we must take into account that we often breathe in an inappropriate way, quite simply because we forget to do it!

We only breathe to have enough air to survive.  What prevents us from having healthy lungs. Indeed, they get used to working with little raw material. But also all the other organs of our body which do not have the necessary quantity of oxygen.

How to learn to breathe well?

  • The most effective is to perform exercises such as yoga, transcendental meditation or tai chi.
  • They focus on breathing and teach us to breathe with different parts of our body: the stomach, diaphragm and chest.

Improve your nighttime breathing

Since we sleep about eight hours a day, or a third of our day, it is essential that our bedrooms have air that makes our lungs as healthy as possible.

How to proceed ? 

  • Air your room every day. If it’s not too cold, leave your window open overnight.
  • If you’re having trouble ventilating your room, at least try to leave the door open.
  • Avoid having plants in your room, which can “steal” oxygen from you, with the exception of those which, on the contrary, provide you with it, such as pothos for example. Having one or two pothos in your bedroom will allow you to renew the air you breathe.
  • Avoid having humidity or odors in your room. Use electric dehumidifiers or aromatic diffusers.

tips for having healthier lungs: ventilate the room

Don’t be sad for healthier lungs!

Some people suffer from respiratory illnesses, which can become chronic, because of a psychosomatic relationship between these pathologies and a perpetual feeling of sadness. These are often people who tend to have depression.

For that, no matter what treatment we do, we have to take into account the emotional side of things.

And it can also be treated naturally, using therapies such as homeopathy or Bach flowers. Even with the help of a professional psychotherapist.

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