Tinnitus: How To Prevent It?

Tinnitus or tinnitus are bothersome symptoms in the ear. It can be a real torture for the people who suffer from it, to hear these buzzes which have no origin in the outside world. What are their causes?

Tinnitus can be defined as ringing in the ears. The latter does not come from an external sound source, but is reflected inside the body, without its origin being able to be specified.

Although this is often referred to as a buzzing, some patients also report a hissing or clicking sound inside the ear. The sound and the tone with which they are perceived are also variable, which can be low or high. 10% of the population has already experienced tinnitus.

Bilateral tinnitus does exist, although it occurs more often unilaterally. In other words,  they are heard mainly from one side of the head and not from both. In both cases, the causes are the same.

From a medical point of view, there are two general types of tinnitus , or tinnitus:

  • Goal. It is very rare. This tinnitus is not only heard by the patient, but also by the doctor when performing the physical examination.
  • Subjective. Only the patient can hear it. The vast majority of cases present this symptomatology, hence the difficulty in treating it. It is only the person who is in pain who can describe the tinnitus and when it occurs.

Causes of tinnitus

You should know that tinnitus is the manifestation of a cause. In other words,  tinnitus is not a disease in itself, it is more of a symptom. Among the most common causes, we can cite the following:

  • Age. With old age comes a loss of hearing ability which becomes more evident after the age of 60. This hearing loss is associated with tinnitus .
  • Exposure to a noisy environment. People who work with noisy machines for a long time or listen to music on portable devices can suffer hearing damage. Excessive stimulation of the eardrum and auditory system leads to tinnitus. Sometimes this tinnitus is temporary, and stops when the source of the noise stops. But other times they become chronic.
  • Cerumen. Waxy plugs in the ear canal  misinterpret sound which can lead to tinnitus.
  • Ear bones. Within the auditory system, there is a fundamental link which are the three ossicles hammer, anvil and stirrup . These small bones can harden due to a condition known as otosclerosis, one of the symptoms of which is tinnitus.

A woman who covers her ears.

Types of tinnitus

Although there is a logical subjectivity in the description of tinnitusthe tone and volume can guide the diagnosis. They are not definitive, but help the doctor identify the underlying cause to treat it.

  • Clicking or banging, for example, refers to muscle problems. They can come from sharp muscle contractions of the muscles around the ear or the nearby jaw joint.
  • The cardiovascular system is also capable of generating ringing in the ears. The blood flow which increases in high blood pressure or during changes in position is perceived as tinnitus . Even more serious may be the existence of an aneurysm near the ear. In other words a dilation of the arteries with the possibility of rupture.
  • Severe tinnitus is initially caused by otosclerosis or the presence of excessive earwax. On the contrary, a high-pitched tone is usually the cause of hearing loss due to age or exposure to loud noises.
  • A cause of concern are tumors in the ear or in the region of the brain near the ear. This tinnitus has no particular sound and can be severe or acute.

A doctor examining a woman's ears.

Risk factors and prevention

As we have just explained, the causes of tinnitus are varied and define a diagnostic approach. Depending on the causes, we can then decipher the preventive measures to apply. Basically, the prevention of tinnitus includes the following points:

  • Decrease exposure to loud noises. It is scientifically proven that loud noises are capable of damaging the hair cells. There is legislation in almost every country that requires hearing protection to be provided in jobs that can affect the ears. Factory and construction workers as well as musicians are the most exposed.
  • Control hearing ability with age. As we age, we need to strengthen the checks on hearing and its function by having regular check-ups.
  • Eliminate tobacco. Like other risk factors, smoking is capable of generating multiple health problems, including tinnitus.
  • Reduce cardiovascular problems. Patients with hypertension, heart failure, and atherosclerosis are more likely to develop tinnitus.

In conclusion, this is clearly not a condition or symptom that requires extreme alarm. It is nevertheless a matter of concern. Adequate measures, taken in time, prevent the appearance of this symptom and these discomforts. Of course, from the first appearance, it is better to consult a professional quickly rather than to let it go.

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