The Wheel Of Life As A Tool For Change

The Wheel of Life is a tool that can help you understand how things are going at this moment and what you need to change. Find out more about it.

The wheel of life as a tool for change  is a powerful exercise that we can resort to at any time,  especially when we feel something is wrong.

This wheel is used today in the world of  coaching  or NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) by people who seek to introduce changes in their lives. Through this technique, we can perform a deeper examination of our habits.

For example, a person may consider that all is well, even in their emotional relationships, but that this is not the case financially.

Others may consider that their relationship is not satisfactory, but that things are going well on a professional level. There are endless possibilities.

In these cases, the wheel of life can be a way to analyze the cause. What are these aspects that can hurt others  and how should we improve on this?

What is the wheel of life?

The Wheel of Life is a tool that allows us to bring balance to our own existence. Thanks to it, we can identify the areas in which we need to improve. Having a balance in your life is necessary because it is linked to well-being.

So, as the name suggests,  this technique involves drawing a circle and dividing it into several sections  – 8 or 10, usually – representing different vital aspects. Although these areas may vary depending on the circumstances we live in, they are usually:

  • Finance
  • Health
  • Hobbies
  • Job
  • Couple
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Personal development

Each of these areas will be evaluated from 1 to 10,  and this number will vary according to the level of satisfaction that one has. A 10 will translate to “happy” and a 1 to “unhappy or dissatisfied”.

Finally,  the points can be put together, and the divisions can be colored in  order to visualize more quickly our current state of life.

The different areas of life.

How do we qualify each category of the wheel of life?

We are now going to give you a series of indicative questions  so that you have an idea of ​​the score you can give to each area:

  • For the professional field,  you can ask yourself the following questions:
  1. Do you like what you do?
  2. Do you identify with the company you work for?
  3. Do you feel satisfied at your workplace?
  4. Do you have development opportunities?
  • For the financial sector, you may ask yourself:
  1. Does your income allow you to live the way you want?
  2. Can you save for your retirement?
  3. Are you saving money?
  • As far as the couple  is concerned, the following questions should be asked:
  1. Are you a couple ?
  2. Do you love your partner?
  3. Do you feel loved?
  4. Do you have common interests?
  5. Do you have good privacy?
  • When it comes  to health,  ask yourself:
  1. Do you feel in good shape?
  2. Are you eating healthy?
  3. Do you participate in any physical activity?
  4. Do you feel satisfied with your health?
  • When it comes to  family,  ask yourself the following questions:
  1. Do you devote enough time to your family?
  2. Do you have good relations with those close to you?
  3. Are you spending quality time with your partner and children?
  4. Do you feel supported by your family?

Remember that these questions are only to guide you. They can be used by you – or others like it – to build your own wheel.

People who ask questions.

How to assess the wheel of life?

This wheel can be analyzed taking into account the ratings given. So  the points that are more centrally located are the ones where you feel unsatisfied. They will therefore require more work.

You don’t have to feel bad about it though. As human beings, we are not perfect. You need to know that  there are aspects of all of us that we need to work on to be better people.

Life is constant learning. When you observe your wheel, you will be able to reflect on your situation and start making the necessary changes.

Get used to using this tool and, little by little, you will find that it will be easier for you to achieve small goals. You just need a little consistency and patience.

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