The Soursop, A Real Anti-cancer Miracle!

According to several studies, unlike treatments like chemotherapy, graviola attacks diseased cells, but does not affect healthy cells.

For many years now, the treatment of certain often fatal diseases, such as cancer, has turned to “scientific” forms  , the effectiveness of which is often doubtful or questioned. Certain plants like the soursop could also cure it.

Cancer frightens the population, and modern medicine (just like pharmaceutical companies) exerts a strong pressure on the patients who must face this terrible disease and who do not always dare to opt for less aggressive and more natural solutions.

Nevertheless, we can find among the more traditional medicines some remedies with proven and verified effectiveness which are beginning to find their place in the face of official treatments.

These natural treatments have a similar and even superior effectiveness to some conventional treatments used against cancer, but without the terrible side effects thereof (hair loss, deterioration of the immune system, general weakness, weight loss, progressive cachexia, etc. .).

These sad consequences are not due only to the disease, but to the repeated and uncontrollable vomiting (emetic effects) produced by certain substances used in particular during chemotherapy.

Origin, operation and characteristics of the soursop tree

The exact origin of the soursop tree is still not known, although it is assumed that it is a Mesoamerican plant whose cultivation has spread throughout tropical America and even Africa. .

The soursop prefers humid tropical areas and is a deciduous tree. C e which means that we will not harvest when the leaves fall.

Soursop flowers appear between October and January, and the fruits (of the same name) can be enjoyed from December to April. This plant is very resistant to wind, drought and termites.

The fruit of the soursop has a very tasty pulp and offers a very refreshing juice. It is also used to make ice cream, jellies, jams and cold drinks.

Soursop for natural chemotherapy

So today we will focus on the Annona muricata plant , known as the soursop. Indeed, this plant is especially interesting for its anti-cancer power, as shown by numerous studies!

Origin of the soursop.

In 1976, the National Cancer Institute in the United States demonstrated that the anti-cancer potency of soursop on cancer cells was 10,000 times that of adriamycin, one of the most aggressive cytotoxics in use today. hui during chemotherapy.

But this plant also presents an extraordinary property which makes the difference compared to conventional treatments.

So, while the usual treatments attack all cells, both cancerous and healthy (because they are unable to differentiate between the two types of cells), the soursop only attacks cancer cells by stopping their growth. after 48 hours, without touching healthy cells!

Many other studies have since been done, especially since 1997, at Purdue University, Indiana, United States.

We have thus seen its anti-cancer power on lung, prostate, breast and bladder cancers. Rectum, esophagus and colon, as well as its effectiveness in the treatment of leukemia.

The anti-cancer properties of soursop

These properties come from its leaves which have a natural chemotoxic substance called acetogenin, 10,000 times more potent than adriamycin, a toxic substance produced in an artificial way.

Thanks to a natural chemotaxis, this compound will attack cells which contain particular chemical substances (therefore only diseased or malignant cells). Thus leaving healthy cells unscathed.

Quite the opposite of artificial products which do not differentiate between cells. Thus exterminating healthy cells and weakening the organism!

Moreover, the soursop can be used as well in treatment as in prevention.

The right dosage

The ideal is to consume a powdered preparation of soursop leaves, in capsules or on a tablespoon, 15 to 20 minutes before meals.

  • In prevention: you can take 500 mg.
  • In treatment: you can take 1 g and up to 2 g. It depends on your condition and the progression of the disease.

The other benefits of soursop

In addition to its miraculous power against cancer, the soursop is a plant with many health properties. E lle is antibacterial, antiparasitic, antispasmodic, astringent and insecticide. It also helps lower blood pressure and expel intestinal worms.

We therefore advise you to always have some on hand and to consume the recommended preventive dose. Soursop is a truly miraculous remedy and one of the most powerful natural medicines in existence!

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