The Neurobiology Of Emotions And Headaches

Although it may seem incredible, our emotions affect our physical state, and can cause headaches or backaches. It is therefore important to sanitize them to avoid this kind of problem.

You have certainly heard of the concept of the neurobiology of emotions.

This concept refers to the fact that some unconscious factors in our life can cause different health problems to appear.

No one can deny that stress and anxiety affect our physical well-being. Clinical disorders, such as depression, completely enclose a person on themselves, and weaken their immune system, making them more prone to suffer from certain types of pathology.

Obviously, we are not talking about serious illnesses.

The causes of the latter are often very difficult to explain, even for modern science.

The neurobiology of emotions is a humanistic tendency, which can allow us to develop extraordinary strengths on a daily basis.

It is a way of supplementing our knowledge of the functioning of our organism, and of discovering the root causes of certain very common diseases, such as headaches for example.

How does the neurobiology of emotions manifest itself on a daily basis?


First of all, it should be noted that the neurobiology of emotions does not seek to treat or cure certain ailments, and that it does not replace traditional techniques of medicine.

What this method can bring us can be summed up in a few points:

  • Recognize a problem in our body that is related to an internal cause, with our emotions.

For example: My relationship problems make me feel weak. I am very tired, I do not want anything, I suffer from migraines and muscle pain. 

  • Promote a change in our emotions, in our thoughts and in our motivations,  not only with the aim of knowing ourselves better, but also to change our attitude on a daily basis, and therefore to overcome certain problems related to our negative emotions.
  • Develop a better knowledge of ourselves, our thoughts and our emotions, as well as their impact on the cellular, brain, etc.

Another example: I was brought up in a family without love, which did not recognize me as such, which only judged me and which did not offer me affection.
My brain has developed by integrating this pattern of frustration and emotional pain.

Stress, anxiety and fears determine many diseases that we can suffer from on a daily basis.

The relationship between the neurobiology of emotions and headaches

Neurobiology and headaches.

We all know that headaches can have many causes.

Usually, they are of organic origin, such as:

  • Suffer from anemia.
  • Accumulate too much fatigue.
  • Getting poor quality sleep.
  • Eating inadequately.
  • Having an intoxicated liver, unable to properly cleanse the body.
  • Suffer from an unknown underlying disease.
  • Have food allergies.
  • Exposure to environmental factors, such as changes in pressure or temperature.
  • Have muscle overload, especially in the neck.

All of these factors often determine the onset of headaches, which most of the time we try to relieve with pain relievers, or other types of medication.

But, what happens when the pain is persistent and it is difficult to identify the causes?

It is certain that you have already noticed that when you leave work you often suffer from a severe headache.

Sometimes, after having an argument with someone, you may feel a painful little throbbing in your temples.

Headaches are definitely related to our emotions.

The link is not necessarily obvious, since they do not appear at the time of the occurrence of the problem, during the argument or the period of stress.

Indeed, these ailments do not appear until a few hours, or even a few days later.

Many doctors tell us that headaches are much more common on weekends.

What is this due to?

  • When we encounter a particular problem, the best attitude is to try to solve it, and to know how to manage our emotions.
    However, most of the time we tend to disconnect and leave it behind to move on, without facing the situation.
    Often times, we all hope this reality fixes itself.
  • When we have relationship issues, we suffer from cumulative stress, as many emotions arise and become intertwined.
  • We are in a hurry for things to get better, but all of these anxieties are piling up in our mind and therefore throughout our body.
  • These negative emotions that accumulate will quickly turn into overload, pain, and internal tension so strong that it will generate headaches.
  • Emotions can lead to metabolic changes, which result in alterations in our cells, neurotransmitters, tissues, and therefore our blood circulation and organs.

Have you noticed that your digestion is much more difficult when you are having an emotional problem? 

If you want to know how your body is today, just remember your day yesterday.

If you have been very stressed and have suffered from anxiety, your body will suffer.

Headaches are usually the first symptoms of this emotional overload.

In conclusion, we must remind you that a good diet and healthy lifestyles are essential to enjoy good health. But these aren’t the only two things to consider.

Never neglect your emotions, and remember what the neurobiology of emotions teaches us. Any unresolved problem, and any anxiety, produces biochemical changes. Which cause health problems.

Take care of your conscience, your emotions and your inner well-being. To be able to enjoy much more resilient health.

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