The Best Seeds For Treating Migraine

In addition to adding certain seeds to our diet, such as sesame, for migraine relief, it is important that we avoid certain foods, such as junk food or cans.

We all know that a preventative diet is great for treating migraine.  Paying attention to your diet, adding healthy elements to it will make you feel much better. Would you like to know how natural seeds can help you? Find out!

1. Migraine and diet

Diet to treat migraine.

One of the main causes of migraines is our body’s reaction to certain substances in certain foods. Stress and genetic predisposition to this disease are the factors that determine which people will suffer from it.

There are foods that can act as real toxicants (antigens) for our body. Producing the synthesis of vasodilator and inflammatory substances of the cerebral arteries. This is where the pain in the skull comes from.

It is important to say that, in some cases, just taking medication and eating the right diet is not enough to stop migraine at times. Why ? Certain stimuli can act as detonators.

Stress, menstruation, lack of breakfast, lack of sleep, and physical exertion can cause migraines. The ideal is to test yourself and know how you react to certain situations in order to be able to control them.

Sometimes a simple scent that is a little too strong can cause a migraine. We are going to tell you which foods you should avoid so as not to suffer from these annoying headaches.

Foods to Avoid

  • Biogenic amines:  these are elements like histamine or tyramine, present in many foods such as cheese, chocolate, wine, beer or canned fish, etc.
  • Food additives:  do you know what monosodium glutamate is? It is considered the fifth taste. It is an artificially added component in many foods to optimize their flavors and make them more pleasant in the mouth.
    What foods contain it? Pizzas, hamburgers, sweets, pastries but above all dishes from Chinese gastronomy. It is important to note that tomatoes or Parmesan naturally contain monosodium glutamate.
  • Other foods to take into account:  canned tuna, sardines, anchovies, cold cuts, liver, red meats, sauerkraut, soybeans; eggplants, tomatoes, red and white wine, beer, brewer’s yeast, and very ripe fruit are not healthy for those with migraines.

2. The benefits of seeds against migraine

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower to treat migraines.

They are astounding for all people who suffer from migraines. You must consume them without salt. Do not forget to never add to them this element which would deprive them of all their virtues.

A handful per day, or about two tablespoons, is an ideal dose. Do you want to know the reasons for its benefits for treating migraine?

  • Vitamin E: Its antioxidant content allows you to defend yourself against toxins and harmful elements that inflame you from within. It purifies, protects our immune system and brings elasticity to our cellular fibers, avoiding contraction of the cranial nerves.
  • Fatty acids:  these are basic energy sources to fight migraines. This type of fat is essential for the formation of the hormones necessary to have the resistance and the adequate strength to carry out our daily tasks.
  • Magnesium:  You already know the benefits of magnesium for preventing migraines. It improves muscle and neuronal tone. It promotes the transmission of nerve impulses as well as the contraction and relaxation of muscles.
    Magnesium boosts our bone health and our cardiovascular system, preventing inflammation of the cranial nerves for example. A wonder !

Flax seeds to treat migraine

Flax seeds to treat migraine.

These seeds are ideal for weight loss diets, to control cholesterol and blood sugar levels.  But, are they effective in treating migraines?

Add them regularly to your salads, and you will find the answer yourself! Two spoonfuls a day and you will be perfectly healthy.

  • Fatty acids:  As we told you before, fatty acids like omega 3 and 6 are great for relieving migraines. In the case of flax seeds, they contain polyunsaturated omega 3 (75%) and omega 6 (25%).
  • Vitamin E:  once again, the essential vitamin E is found in these seeds, the best preventive against migraines. Two spoonfuls a day will give you the ideal dose of this beneficial substance.
  • Minerals: magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, silica, etc.
  • They are also rich in enzymes that aid digestion.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds to treat migraine.

Chia seeds are known to be a “super food”. Many athletes consume it, as do people who need food supplements or who simply want to lose weight. Take note of their benefits: 

  • Natural sources of minerals:  high content of calcium, magnesium, zinc. Genuine protectors that prevent migraines and provide you with essential nutrients to stay healthy.
  • Natural sources of omega 3 fatty acids:  these seeds also have this fundamental element to protect us against migraines. They improve your heart health and your cholesterol levels. It is a good fat that should not be missing from your diet.

Sesame seeds to treat migraine

Sesame seeds to treat migraine.

Have you ever tried sesame seeds? They are delicious and go very well with many dishes, but also in different breads.

You can take them plain too, up to two tablespoons per day. But, what are the benefits of these seeds against migraines?

  • Very High Magnesium Levels:  The high magnesium content of sesame seeds helps you prevent blood vessel spasms that cause migraine attacks.
    In fact, it is advisable to consume sesame seeds regularly to treat migraine, dizziness and migraines.

To conclude, consume the seeds you want daily and use them as a dietary supplement. Two spoonfuls a day will do a lot of good for your health when treating migraine.

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