The 7 Most Common Causes Of Excess Gas

It is important to learn to identify the foods that produce gas and to try to reduce their consumption to prevent later annoying or painful episodes.

Gas problems, or flatulence, are one of the most common and inevitable symptoms in the life of all human beings.

They are caused by certain bacteria that colonize the intestine, which can be stimulated by internal problems or by reactions to external agents.

While not a serious health problem, sometimes they are so repetitive that they become an embarrassing subject for those who suffer from them.

Moreover, even if most can hide, the majority accumulate and tend to cause unpleasant odors that end up creating social stress.

It is therefore essential to know what their causes are and which habits must be improved to reduce their recurrence.

Discover them all!

1. Imbalances of the bacterial flora are responsible for gas

The causes of gas problems.

Excess gas in the stomach can be the result of a bacterial imbalance in the flora that protects the intestine.

This situation is common after suffering from a digestive disease such as, for example, gastroenteritis or infection.

Since the stomach pH tends to suffer from a sudden change, gas production increases and some bacteria find it easier to proliferate.

  • In these cases, it is indicated to increase the consumption of probiotic and prebiotic foods. Ideal for repopulating healthy bacteria.

2. Fermentation of food in the intestine

Certain bacteria present in the digestive tract are responsible for fermenting certain foods to facilitate their decomposition in the process of digestion.

Although usually this is an activity that occurs in the large intestine, sometimes the bacteria pass to the small intestine and cause early fermentation.

Most worrying is that they can trigger inflammation, pain, and other symptoms that affect quality of life.

3. Eat too quickly

Eating quickly is the cause of gas.

People who finish their lunch within minutes, either for lack of time or for some other distraction, tend to suffer from continual episodes of stomach gas.

This is also due to the fact that they swallow large amounts of air during meals. This increases the presence of gas in the intestine, and consequently, posterior belching and flatulence.

4. Consume excessively dairy products

Although some people have never had a problem digesting dairy products, the helping years can cause serious difficulty.

Age and continued exposure to certain factors can decrease the levels of milky enzymes, responsible for helping digest dairy products.

If after consuming this type of food, symptoms or digestive problems arise, it is possible that the body indicates the presence of an intolerance to these.

  • In these specific cases, the only solution is to avoid their consumption, to replace them with other lactose-free alternatives.

5. Hormonal changes

Reason for excess gas.

The hormonal changes that a woman goes through during menopause, as well as those who suffer from hormonal diseases, lead to the excessive accumulation of intestinal gas.

Although it has not yet been possible to determine exactly which hormones cause this reaction, there is evidence that those that do suffer from it go through clear changes in their digestive activity.

  • To control them and reduce their recurrence, it is recommended to increase physical activity and water consumption.

6. Gluten sensitivity

Flatulence is one of the powerful signs of food allergies or disorders that people with celiac disease have.

These autoimmune conditions lead to serious absorption problems, which causes the body to break down the lining of the small intestine.

At the same time, they trigger inflammation of the stomach, pain and other symptoms that prevent proper digestion.

It is therefore necessary to identify them clearly, especially when it is necessary to modify the diet to control it.

7. Waste accumulation

Waste responsible for gas.

Constipation or the buildup of wastes in the intestines can become a potential reason for gas and other digestive disorders.

When the waste remains in the colon, the bacterial flora deteriorates and is produced more gas than usual.

In addition, the intestine presents difficulties in absorbing nutrients and subsequently eliminating waste that it does not need.

  • In the case of suffering from this condition, it is necessary to increase the consumption of water. Fiber and other foods with digestive properties.

Remember that the most effective way to control this problem is to improve your eating habits. By reducing the consumption of products which stimulates their production.

Follow each of these recommendations and consult your doctor if you feel it is necessary.

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