The 5 Best Remedies To Treat Herpes On The Back

Since herpes on the back appears due to a decline in the immune system, in addition to resorting to these natural remedies, we must strengthen our immune system to prevent it from getting worse.

Herpes of the back is not just a cosmetic problem. This pathology can have different causes and symptoms depending on the specific virus causing it. So it is helpful to know what kind of herpes we are suffering from in order to treat it as soon as possible.

In the popular sphere, it is believed that certain natural remedies can be used to alleviate the discomfort caused by herpes on the back. Some of them are brewer’s yeast, aloe vera, and propolis.

Herpes of the back

back herpes

Herpes is an infectious disease caused by a virus. It is considered a chronic pathology, since this virus stays in our body and triggers epidemics depending on different factors.

Symptoms, the area affected and the severity also vary depending on the type of virus, which can be simple or shingles.

Back herpes and any other variant appear in our body when our immune system is weakened

Regarding treatment, the  Spanish Society of Internal Medicine  highlights the following:

  • Herpes zoster virus cannot be removed from the body with treatment , although some medications can relieve or lessen symptoms and allow you to recover as quickly as possible.
  • Topical treatment should also be done on the skin lesions in order to speed up the scabbing process and avoid discomfort and secondary infections. It is therefore useful, for example, to apply  dilute zinc sulfate.

Home remedies for back herpes

We will share more information about these remedies below. However, we would like to point out that these remedies should never replace pharmacological treatment or doctor’s recommendations. 

Remember that although they are often offered, natural remedies  born   are   not always the most appropriate. In addition, it should be borne in mind that if the doctor allowed its use or consumption, the remedy would become one more supplement, as part of a healthy lifestyle.

According to experts from the  Mayo Clinic , one of the home remedies that can help get relief is to apply cold compresses to the blisters. They also indicate that instead of applying compresses, you can take cold baths.

1. Echinacea

back herpes

Echinacea is a plant to which we attribute various properties. She’s used topically for ulcers, wounds and other conditions, such as herpes of the back.

Although it is not fully proven to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties, some  scientists see it as a potential cure. However, they stress that it is important to continue to investigate and investigate.

It is said in the popular sphere that the infusion of echinacea could help “strengthen” the immune system, which would help in the treatment of the infection.

Some people consume the infusion of echinacea to relieve herpes on the back, although it is not proven that this drink can be responsible for any kind of improvement.

A study published in 2010 concludes that certain Echinacea compounds may be useful in the treatment of patients who have recurring cold sores.

2. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast contains lysine  , one of ten  essential amino acids for the man. It also contains other important nutrients, such as:

  • Minerals and trace elements (such as selenium and chromium).
  • B vitamins, folic acid and biotin-pantothenate.
  • Glutathione
  • Fiber.

Due to its content  lysine , brewer’s yeast may help fight herpes simplex infection. So the popular sphere recommends including this food in the diet, in order to obtain this benefit and, in addition, to “strengthen” the health of the immune system.

* You should consult your doctor before starting to take brewer’s yeast in tablet form or other similar formats. 

3. Garlic

back herpes

Garlic  was considered to be a food which, due to its allicin content, can be used as a natural antibiotic, able to help fight infections. We do know, however, that consuming garlic, as such, is not capable of providing such benefits.

Some consume it regularly in their diet, others crush it and apply its paste to wounds. The dermatologists do not recommend it, however, as it can cause irritation and worsen the condition. 

4. Propolis

Another food that is considered a possible natural antibiotic is  propolis. R However, there is no evidence that it works this way or that it contributes significantly to the treatment of back herpes or any other infection.

back herpes

5. Aloe vera

We often credit it with healing and anti-inflammatory properties, so aloe vera is often recommended as a natural remedy for herpes blisters in the back.

Again, dermatologists do not recommend resorting to aloe vera in this way as it could be counterproductive. If you wish to resort to it (or other remedies), it would be best to consult your doctor first.

Final note

To properly treat herpes on the back, the best thing you can do is go to the doctor and follow their instructions.  In addition, it is important to maintain good lifestyle habits, as these can improve your health, and not only in the event of illness.

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