Stretching During Pregnancy: Back, Hips And Legs

Stretching during pregnancy could help you prevent and relieve back pain and hip area as well as cramps and heaviness in the legs. legs.

During the pregnancy stage,  it is normal to experience all kinds of discomfort,  such as the famous – and dreaded – back, hip and leg pain. This is due to the changes that the pregnant woman’s body undergoes. In this sense, stretching during pregnancy could work both as relief and as prevention.

Obviously, before starting any type of physical exercise during pregnancy, it  is recommended to consult your doctor. He will be in the best position to advise the pregnant woman on the best way to stay in shape and to relieve any discomfort in the body.

Stretching During Pregnancy

Stretching during pregnancy could help  relieve a pregnant woman’s back, hip and leg problems,  and prevent them from occurring. Nevertheless, the benefits would be more numerous: they can help her to stay in shape, to relax and, including, to prepare for childbirth.

In any case, this is a stage in which you must always take into account your limitations and physical condition. In this sense, when it comes to the stretching exercises suggested below,  do not strain and look for a gentle stretch. Also, avoid positions that put pressure on the stomach.

On the other hand, although physical exercise is recommended during pregnancy, as indicated by the National Library of Medicine of the United States,  it is always better to rely on the advice of a specialist. You should also take into account that it is not recommended to perform them in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy at risk.
  • Women with threatened miscarriage.
  • Problem of lack of placenta and others.

Benefits of stretching during pregnancy

The main benefit of stretching during pregnancy is in improving  the flexibility of the muscles. Indeed, good muscle flexibility could be very helpful after childbirth, according to information from the  American Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology.

However,  stretching is a highly recommended exercise for postural problems. They would thus help to have better postural hygiene and to relieve or prevent pain.

These problems get worse during pregnancy. The center of gravity shifts. The lower back supports more weight  and the typical pain in pregnant women appears. It is for this reason that stretching during pregnancy could help relieve this pain and maintain a better sense of balance.

Finally, if done correctly, in other words by controlling breathing and breathing deeply and slowly,  stretching would aid relaxation in general. This would then present benefits for mother and baby.

Cat stretch

A woman performs an exercise on the floor.
Pregnancy exercise number 1: cat stretch

This stretching exercise during pregnancy  will help relieve and prevent sciatica  and back pain.

  • First, get on all fours with your hands on the floor separated and at shoulder height.
  • Then arch your back up.
  • Then arch down, with slow, conscious movements.
  • Do five repetitions.

Pelvic elevation: the bridge exercise

A woman performs an exercise on a mat.
Exercise for pregnancy number 2: raising the pelvis

This exercise will help you relieve lower back and hip problems. Do not forget to provide a mat so as not to damage your back, maintain the right posture, as shown in the photo.

  • Lie down.
  • Then bend your knees, keeping your toes on the floor.
  • Then push your hips up to elevate the lumbar and pelvic area.
  • Remember that all movements should be done in a relaxed, conscious and slow manner.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds.
  • Repeat ten times.


This exercise will help you  prevent problems such as leg cramps or pain. To achieve it, you can lean on a wall so as not to lose your balance. Your partner can help you too, especially during the last trimester.

  • First of all, get up on your feet.
  • Then, gradually climb onto your tiptoes. Inhale.
  • Exhale and slowly lower until your heels are completely on the floor.
  • Repeat at least five times.

Femoral stretch

  • First, lie down completely on a solid surface.
  • Then take an elastic band and place it under one of your feet.
  • Using the elastic band, lift the leg as far as possible, being especially careful not to feel any pain or pressure on the stomach.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, breathing properly.
  • Then repeat with the other leg.

Stretch hedge jump

  • First, sit down with your feet crossed in a lotus shape.
  • Next, stretch one of your legs.
  • Lean your body towards the outstretched leg, without pressing on your abdomen.
  • Remember that movements should always be slow, gentle, conscious and that breathing should be controlled during these.
  • Finally, repeat with the other leg.

Back stretch

  • Sit on your heels first, with your back straight.
  • Then cross the fingers of your hands and gradually bring them upwards.
  • Stretch up as much as possible.
  • Always maintain control of your breathing.
  • By the way, if you wish, you can also tilt the trunk slightly from side to side.

Precautions to take before stretching for pregnancy

As mentioned above,  first ask your doctor if you can exercise and what type of exercise. It is also recommended that you perform the exercises on a regular basis with a coach.

Remember to always control your breathing, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply. Choose clothes for exercise. For this point, it is better to be comfortable than fashionable.

Hydration is essential during pregnancy, especially before, during and after exercise. This is why you should have a water bottle next to you throughout your workout and take breaks to hydrate yourself.

Avoid completely solid or soft surfaces. It is therefore ideal to use non-slip mats and do not exert pressure on the stomach. If you experience discomfort during exercise, stop immediately and if discomfort persists, see your doctor. 

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