Some Very Healthy Foods For Your Breakfast

The choice of foods for the first meal of the day is a determining factor in finding the energy you need to face the day in the best possible way.

Your breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The good energy load of the body for the day depends on its intake.

Indeed, a healthy breakfast can have a positive impact on performance during the day.

Breakfast has many associated benefits:

  • It reactivates the metabolism after a long fast.
  • It activates the production of endorphins called the hormones of happiness.
  • Improves mood, performance and creativity.

In addition, eating breakfast with healthy foods lowers heart risk. It also reduces anxiety and stress.

Creating the habit of eating breakfast is the first step in a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, eating the right foods in the morning helps you eat well the rest of the day.

If the first meal is light or very sweet, the body will be hungry by mid-morning. Instead, a good balance of protein and glucose will keep the body full until the next meal.

In the case of children, breakfast is essential. A good breakfast is associated with an increased ability to learn and concentrate. In addition, it affects mood.

A list of healthy foods for breakfast

A healthy breakfast should contain a lot of protein, grains and fruits. This combination of nutrients helps activate the body.


Cereals and strawberries for your breakfast.

  • Oats are one of the healthiest foods for breakfast. A bowl of oatmeal provides a feeling of fullness and helps digestion. Indeed, it contains potassium, omega-3 and promotes heart health.
  • Whole grains provide the carbohydrates that your body needs. Because they are complex, they lack the fast acting simple carbohydrates. So, it allows the stomach to stay full for longer.
  • A few slices of whole wheat bread or a bowl of whole grain cereal can be a good option. They can also be replaced with dried fruits, such as raisins or almonds.

Milk or dairy products for your breakfast

Dairy products for your breakfast.

Although there is a lot of controversy surrounding the consumption of dairy products, milk is nonetheless a good option for breakfast.

But it is important to choose products offering easy digestion: yogurt, cottage cheese or cream cheese. Other dairy products slow down digestion and performance during the day.

Instead of choosing cow’s milk, plant-based milks give you a more nutritious option. They are high in sugar, have a high content of vitamins and minerals, and are also low in fat and digest well.

You have the choice between almond, rice or oat milk or others. You can even make them at home.

Fruit smoothies are also very healthy foods for breakfast. They can be supplemented with oatmeal or other whole grains. It is a good choice for express breakfasts.


Proteins for your breakfast.

Eating protein at breakfast increases feelings of fullness. It also reduces the need for carbohydrates.

  • A wholemeal bread sandwich with chicken or turkey breast is very healthy. Cooked or scrambled eggs are also recommended.
  • Protein shakes are also a good choice for breakfast. But it is important to read the nutrition label carefully before consuming them, as some are high in fat and sugars.

Fruits for your breakfast.

Breakfast should include a serving of fruit equal to one cup. They can be added to cereals, to a smoothie or eaten on their own.

Fruits provide the sugar your body needs to get active. Their sweet taste also helps reduce the feeling of hunger. And they are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Citrus fruits like grapefruit or orange are the most suitable. Both are high in sugar and vitamins. A good option may be to prepare an isotonic drink with their juice.

Other very healthy food choices

  • Bananas are a food rich in potassium. It’s a great mid-morning snack to recharge your batteries. They can also be added to cereals.
  • Coffee is a morning stimulus. Its correct consumption energizes the body and accelerates the metabolism. But the excess can lead to insomnia or anxiety.
  • Vegetable butters are very healthy foods for breakfast. You can opt for a slice of whole wheat bread with peanut or almond butter accompanied by a serving of fruit.

Foods to Avoid for Your Breakfast

  • The g lucid simple : it is the case with rolls or sweet breads. Although they provide a good energy load to the body, the duration is short. They also increase food anxiety.
  • Dairy products and sugars: their excessive consumption should be avoided. As for sugar, it does not provide any nutrients. Too much milk, on the other hand, can cause digestive problems.
  • Saturated fats: they contribute to weight gain and cardiovascular problems.

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