Some Natural Remedies For Cellulite

Cellulite is not a serious health problem, but it can lead to certain disorders. Find out how to fight cellulite.

Cellulite is basically a cosmetic problem that can cause discomfort and affect self-esteem. That is why we invite you here to discover natural and home remedies against cellulite.

The skin covers the body to keep it at an appropriate temperature and to protect it from external attack.It is made up of three layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. Each of them has a specific function.

The last layer, the hypodermis, contains the cells specialized in storing fat, the adipocytes. These cells accumulate fat to regulate body temperature. When fat is not eliminated on a regular basis, resulting in weight gain, fat cells push the skin, forming small protuberances visible on the surface of the skin.

The following factors promote the formation of cellulite:

  • circulation imbalances
  • hormonal imbalances
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • hereditary factors

Fight against cellulite: the different types 


General cellulite

Cellulite is more common in women who are overweight and have unhealthy eating habits . It begins in childhood and becomes more pronounced in adulthood.

It causes cosmetic changes mainly in the hips, abdomen, thighs and legs.

Localized cellulite 

It is characterized by severe pain in a specific area of ​​the body. This is why it is more complicated to manage.

In the majority of cases, it manifests itself in the abdomen, back, buttocks and arms.

Fat cellulite

In the case of adipose cellulite, the skin has a gelatinous appearance visible to the naked eye: it is soft and flabby.

Fat cellulite is usually accompanied by fatigue and a feeling of weakness. It can cause other disorders to appear, such as insomnia or varicose veins.

Aqueous cellulite

Aqueous cellulite is linked to a strong retention of fluids. The skin shows symptoms characteristic of other types of cellulite. This type of cellulite can affect women of any age.

Fibrous cellulite

Fibrous cellulitis is hard and painful to the touch. It usually affects young women and sportswomen because their tissues are firm and toned.

Fibrous cellulite manifests itself gradually, and must be treated as soon as it appears. The more time passes and the more it evolves, which makes its elimination more complicated.

Be aware that a poor calorie- dense diet leads to overweight. Consequence of this: fat cells increase, thereby aggravating the process of cellulite formation.

Conversely, a healthy diet and sufficient water intake allow proper elimination of toxins, which counteracts the onset of cellulite.

To fight against cellulite, the first thing to do is to take into account the cause of its appearance, more than its symptoms.

Fight against cellulite: natural and home remedies 

Aqueous cellulite

There are several home remedies for treating cellulite. These remedies can help you fight resistant cellulite that you are unable to eliminate or reduce.

Avocado, an ally against cellulite

Avocado is a fruit rich in nutrients, which moisten the skin.


  • ½ avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)

Preparation and application

  • Wash the avocado well, then cut it in half. Using a spoon, extract the flesh from the avocado.
  • Then put the flesh in a container, then crush it until it forms a paste.
  • Then add the oatmeal and olive oil, then mix well until you get a smooth paste.
  • Then apply the preparation obtained on the areas where there is cellulite by massaging gently with the fingertips, then leave on for twenty minutes.
  • Then remove the paste, then rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  • Apply this treatment three times a week for good results.


Caffeine is one of the best substances for fighting cellulite.

This coffee home remedy is very easy to make and very effective.


  • ½ cup of crushed coffee beans or ground coffee (100 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of salt (30 g)
  • ¼ cup of almond oil (50 g)
  • ¼ cup olive oil (50 g)

Preparation and application

  • In a container, mix all the ingredients until you get a smooth paste.
  • Every day, apply the paste to the areas affected by cellulite.
  • You can apply this treatment in the shower, or just before.

A seaweed bath 

This remedy is not well known. However, thanks to their regenerative properties, algae are a good option to fight cellulite.


  • 50 grams of dried seaweed
  • water (to fill a tub halfway)

Preparation and Application

  • Prepare a hot water bath.
  • Add the seaweed, then let it sit for three minutes.
  • Then slip into the tub for about fifteen minutes.
  • Take a seaweed bath once or twice a week; this will allow you to gradually reduce cellulite.

A lemon remedy


  • 2 organic lemons (for their zest)
  • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil (100 g)

Preparation and application

  • Wash the lemons, then peel them.
  • Cut the zest of the lemons into small pieces, then place the pieces in a clean jar.
  • Add extra virgin olive oil.
  • Then close the jar, then let stand for ten days in a cool, dark place.
  • After ten days, filter the preparation, then dilute it with a similar amount of olive oil.
  • This preparation should only be applied at night, as citric oils can cause burns when the skin is exposed to the sun.

Papaya cream, an ally against cellulite

The grains of sugar are used to exfoliate the skin.

Thanks to its properties, papaya promotes collagen production and eliminates dead cells.


  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar (30 g)
  • 1 cup of fresh papaya (200 g)

Preparation and application

  • Clean and peel the papaya, then mash it in a container until you get a paste.
  • Add the brown sugar, then mix.
  • Apply it immediately, or save it for another occasion. Always remember to close the container well after using the paste, to avoid contact with air.
  • Apply the paste in circular motions to the affected areas, then leave on for twenty minutes.
  • You can apply this treatment three times a week.

Dry brushing, an effective way to fight cellulite 

Brushing the areas affected by cellulite improves circulation, both blood circulation and lymphatic circulation. These brushings help to open the pores of the skin and thus eliminate toxins from the body that can cause cellulite.

To apply this treatment, the skin must be dry. This is why the ideal is to do it just before the shower.

You should brush the skin using long, up and down sweeping motions. You can also use circular movements to avoid irritating the skin.

Use a brush with natural bristles, a little stiff and with a handle that facilitates brushing.

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