Shaken Baby Syndrome: Causes And Symptoms

Not knowing how to deal with crying baby can be the trigger for Shaken Baby Syndrome. It is important to learn to remain calm to avoid tragic consequences.

Shaken Baby Syndrome, also known as maltreatment head injury, is a serious brain injury whose primary cause is a violent shake. It can affect babies from a few months old, but also young children up to the age of three or four years.

The shaking damages brain cells and prevents a child’s brain from getting enough oxygen. They can result in bleeding, bruising, irreparable brain damage or even death.

Its symptoms vary depending on the region of the brain affected, but this syndrome often presents with diffuse axonal damage. In some cases, it becomes obvious in a short time, but it can also cause long-term sequelae.

Why does this syndrome occur? How to avoid it? Many do not know how to answer these questions. Therefore, we would like to share with you below the main causes, warning symptoms and some recommendations to reduce the risks.

Causes of shaken baby syndrome

shaken baby syndrome

Shaken Baby Syndrome is produced by a violent shake that triggers brain damage. The sudden movement of a baby’s fragile brain can cause inflammation, bruising and bleeding,  which in turn leads to trauma that can be life-threatening.

This usually happens when one of the parents or caregiver shakes the baby intensely because the baby won’t stop crying. This violent reaction can be unforeseen, but also voluntary and intentional.

Risk factors

  • Having unrealistic expectations about babies
  • Be a young or single parent
  • Being subjected to constant stressful situations
  • Suffer from domestic violence
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol and substances
  • Knowing an unstable family situation
  • Suffer from anxiety and depression

Symptoms of shaken baby syndrome

shaken baby syndrome

Shaken Baby Syndrome usually does not cause physical injury to the baby’s body. Although sometimes bruises can still form on the face. Trauma is not always immediate and can develop gradually  depending on the region of the brain involved.

Some signs and symptoms of this disease are:

  • Extreme irritability
  • Rigidity
  • Pale or bluish skin
  • Convulsions
  • Paralysis
  • Respiratory problems
  • Difficulty staying awake
  • Decreased appetite
  • Dilated pupils
  • Blood stains in the eyes
  • Low tone of muscles
  • Vomiting and anorexia

Mild cases of shaken baby syndrome usually do not have warning symptoms. However, there are risks that the child will later develop health problems or behavioral problems.


Violently shaking an infant, even for a brief moment, can cause irreversible brain damage , resulting in many abused children die. Those who survive need medical attention to avoid complications such as:

  • Vision problems or blindness
  • Mental retardation and learning and behavior problems
  • Physical or mental handicap
  • Seizure disorders
  • Cerebral palsy

Prevention of shaken baby syndrome

To prevent shaken baby syndrome, one can take training courses for new parents. These types of therapies help to understand why it is dangerous to shake your baby  and how to deal with crying properly.

Many parents shake their babies because they don’t know what causes crying or how to control it. In addition, some are completely unaware of the serious consequences that can result from the tremors.

Another type of help is therapy with mental health professionals. The psychologist or psychiatrist can teach parents strategies to help them reduce their negative emotions and the stress of parenting.

Our tips for dealing with baby crying

  • Check that your baby is not hungry and, if necessary, breastfeed him.
  • Cool the baby if it is too hot or warm it if it is cold.
  • Check his diaper in case it’s time to change it.
  • Check your baby’s temperature and see if he is showing symptoms of any illness.
  • Feed the baby slowly and burp him.
  • Cuddle or rock your baby.
  • Walk him around in his stroller.

If none of this is working, keep calm and breathe. It is best to put the baby in the cradle or playpen and let him cry. At this time, it will also be good to ask for help from a family member or friend. And if the baby continues to cry, it will be better to see the doctor, because he may be sick.

In summary…

Shaken Baby Syndrome is the result of a violent jerk during an episode of parental frustration or anger over their child’s heavy crying. Although it does not always show immediate signs, this syndrome can be responsible for serious consequences on the health of the brain of the child.


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