Serotonin Diet: What Is It And What Are Its Contributions?

This type of diet will help you control your anxiety about food, which will lead to healthy weight loss.

A new type of diet has recently emerged which aims to prevent (or help fight, as the case may be) depression and anxiety. Yes, the serotonergic diet does exist.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that  has a decisive influence on mood  and appetite. Therefore, low serotonin levels can lead to depression and anxiety.

It is very common that during the day we are able to maintain a healthy diet or follow a diet that we have established with the intention of losing weight.

However, when evening falls, it is common to feel an irrepressible urge to eat sugary products. So it is difficult for us not to succumb to temptation. This results from a drop in serotonin levels.

Why follow the low serotonin diet?

Unlike  popular “miracle” diets , the serotonin diet does not involve dietary restrictions or hard-to-follow diets. His dietary model suggests increasing the consumption of these foods that promote the secretion of serotonin.

So why follow this diet? Well,  mainly because it promotes physical and mental well-being. It is very useful when we are constantly subjected to situations of stress, anxiety or depression. Let’s see what it is.

Serotonin diet: food

In fact,  there are no foods that are high in serotonin,  or that contain serotonin. However, the amino acid tryptophan is the precursor to the neurotransmitter of serotonin. Therefore, by  consuming foods rich in tryptophan, the production of serotonin is guaranteed.

the serotonin diet

In addition to consuming foods rich in tryptophan, it is necessary that your diet contain vitamins C, B1, B6, B9 and B12, calcium and zinc to  promote the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin.

It is also necessary that your diet be rich in products such as whole grains, sardines in oil, nuts, seeds, legumes and seasonal vegetables.

In addition, the synthesis of serotonin is activated in the presence of oxygen,  so that physical activity activates its production and stimulates endorphins, which are natural relaxants that also generate well-being.

Examples of food

Some of the foods that can be part of the serotonin diet are:

  • Fish  Blue:  fish  blue  provides tryptophan, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids that  promote the conversion of food rich in serotonin.
  • Meat:  we must give priority to lean meats. Like chicken, turkey or rabbit, for their  contribution in B vitamins and tryptophan.
  • Eggs: the yolk is particularly rich in tryptophan and group B vitamins.
  • Dairy products: Dairy  products  provide tryptophan, calcium and magnesium.
  • Legumes:  Some such as soybeans, beans and lentils are legumes that provide the most tryptophan.
  • Whole grains:  the presence of carbohydrates  promotes the transformation of tryptophan into serotonin.  In addition, they are a good source of B vitamins.

serotonin diet

  • Nuts and Seeds: Pistachios and almonds provide large amounts of tryptophan. In addition, nuts are rich in magnesium. On the other hand, the seeds, such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or pine nuts also provide zinc.
  • Seasonal fruits: they provide vitamins, calcium and magnesium. the pineapple and banana, in particular, are the most rich in tryptophan.
  • Seasonal vegetables:  these products provide magnesium, vitamins and carbohydrates with a favorable glycemic load.
  • Dark Chocolate:  Always eaten in moderation, chocolate is a pleasant way to boost tryptophan and magnesium levels.

How To Increase Serotonin Levels Naturally?

To contribute to the serotonin diet, we can perform certain practices that naturally increase the levels of this element.

For example, abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing (commonly called “deep breathing”) has the ability to produce changes in the brain, since it  promotes the secretion of hormones such as serotonin and endorphins.  In addition, it improves the harmony of rhythms between the two cerebral hemispheres.

serotonin diet

On the other hand, we can do  high intensity exercise for at least 15 minutes a day. Which will increase our serotonin levels. We can also practice relaxation exercises, like yoga, which promotes the aforementioned abdominal breathing.

Going outside and sunbathing will also help increase serotonin levels. The sun is the key for our body to secrete serotonin. Therefore,  in winter, try not to wear sunglasses so that your eyes absorb more light and try to sunbathe every day. All of these tips put together make up the serotonin diet.

When we do not sleep properly, the levels of these hormones are altered and this also greatly increases our appetite. Therefore, it is  not only necessary to eat, but to sleep well.

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