Prevention And Natural Treatment Of Hemorrhoids

To avoid hemorrhoids, it is essential to follow a varied, balanced diet rich in fiber to prevent constipation and facilitate evacuation.

This disease results in inflammation of the veins in the rectum and anus. Often, out of shame, people who suffer from hemorrhoids do not want to talk about it and delay in seeing their doctor.

The alteration of hemorrhoids results in hemorrhoidal disease, which is characterized by inflammation that increases their size and causes pain to the patient. The inflammation affects the pockets that contain the venules and arterioles of the anal canal.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Burns
  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Bleeding (in some cases)

There are 4 degrees of this disease:

Degree 1

Hemorrhoids increase in size slightly and are not visible outside the anus. Usually, there are no symptoms, and only a doctor equipped with specific equipment could detect them.

Degree 2

They are pushed out of the anus during defecation, but then they return to their normal state, inside.

Degree 3

Hemorrhoids stay outside the anus, so that they can come back inside you need to see a healthcare professional or do it yourself with a finger. Hemorrhoids can travel outside the anus during defecation or spontaneously.

Degree 4

Hemorrhoids remain permanently outside the anus, and they can no longer be manually re-introduced. One of the main causes of hemorrhoidal disease is regular constipation. Subjecting the anal area to great pressure during defecation is also dangerous.


By knowing the causes of this disease, we know better how to prevent it. We must strive to eradicate constipation by consuming foods rich in fiber and drinking water regularly.

If the stool is fine in the intestine, and the body needs to absorb water, it will draw out the faeces and what you pass out will be hard and dry, making it painful and more difficult to defecate.

Foods rich in fiberhemorrhoids

The fibers can be soluble or insoluble. Both types are needed for a balanced diet, around 30 grams per day.

Foods rich in soluble fiber

Soluble fibers are those which dissolve in water. They are used to treat cholesterol and help keep blood sugar levels stable. They delay digestion.

You can find them in:

Cereals, pulses, fruits (strawberries, raspberries, apples, plums, lemons, oranges), vegetables (beets, artichokes, cucumbers, asparagus, carrots, squash).

Foods rich in insoluble fiber

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, you can absorb it, but in small quantities. This type of fiber speeds up the digestion process. Allows to control the alterations of the intestine, to prevent constipation by increasing the size of the stools, but by reducing their consistency.

You can find them in:

Wholemeal bread, fruits in general, dried and dehydrated fruits, bran, vegetables. Both types of fiber are useful for maintaining good gut health because they help remove particles that can cause damage.
For dietary fiber to be effective, you need to consume it daily. 

Natural treatments for hemorrhoidshemorrhoids

Aloe vera is helpful in relieving burns in the infected area. It is appropriate to wash the area, then cut a half of the stem and apply it. You can repeat this application several times a day.

You can also prepare yourself an infusion of chamomile and, when it has cooled, you will pour it into a large container and completely submerge your pelvis, so as to completely surround the infected area.

Stay like that for 10 minutes. Chamomile will help you relieve the pain and inflammation characteristic of this condition.

If symptoms worsen, see a professional. Natural remedies are recommended for mild cases of this disease. 

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