Practice Self-esteem And You Will Be Loved However You Want

If you don’t respect yourself, don’t ask others to. Love yourself so that others will love you the way you want them to. Because you deserve to stop suffering and be happy, at last.

Whoever makes the mistake of measuring what he deserves according to the love he receives from others suffers from many disappointments. Few have self-esteem. 

This implies that, if throughout his life he has received a false affection or a tenderness inhabited by pain and manipulation, he will come to believe that he does not deserve to be loved.

These are very complex and destructive situations for which no one is prepared.

In fact, it is curious to see how, at school, children are taught to locate the main capitals of the world when no one gives them strategies to learn to love themselves.

We invite you here to think about this and to put into practice the following exercise: to love yourself and to teach the same strategies to the little ones.

Love yourself as you deserve, because no one deserves more recognition than what you give to yourself

Society tends to instill double-edged value in us. Thinking of yourself, and loving that person you see in the mirror every morning would be an act of selfishness.

We are taught to thank, to let out before entering, to help others, to give everything for those we love …

While these are acts of nobility that should never be stopped, we should also learn about integrity, self-esteem and what is called “self-esteem”.

Don’t measure yourself by what you receive and self-esteem

Imagine a child who suffers from bullying at school. Imagine this child alone at home, who does not receive the appropriate affection, support or recognition from his parents.

Let us now think of this same child who has become an adult and of all his efforts to have happy, mature and fulfilling emotional relationships.

If he does not succeed, he will surely end up thinking that he does not deserve to be loved. He will not have self-esteem.

Even though it sounds harsh, this portrait is something that many people suffer from.

While it is obvious that having had a traumatic childhood does not 100% imply that we are going to build unhappy emotional relationships, it is an important factor.

  • We should not measure what we deserve by what we receive.
  • Love yourself each day as you deserve, without waiting for others to give you what you expect. 
  • Don’t wait for the approval of others for every act or thought. You are your own judge, the person who gives you breath, support and enthusiasm when you decide to take action.
  • If your childhood and teenage years weren’t happy, try scoring a before and after. You know what it’s like to grow up without a healthy, secure, and loving attachment.
  • Heal this deficiency now by loving yourself, by cuddling yourself, by protecting yourself from what can harm you but always taking the path of your dreams.

You deserve much more than some give you

Sometimes we just surrender. Even if this relationship does not make us really happy, we tell ourselves that “We are not going to find anything better and that it is better than to be alone”.

  • Whether we like it or not, emotional immobility binds us to this implicit and subtle suffering that undermines our self-esteem.

We get used to voids, reproaches, contempt and even unhappiness. This is something very dangerous, because when defeat enters our life, we lose everything.

  • You deserve a lot more than what some people give you. Believe it or not, there are some who do not know how to love, who do not fully understand what reciprocity is and the pillars of sincere love.
  • You must not fall into this type of relationship. Love is worth the joy, never worth it. Be brave enough to let go of this bond of pain and regain your integrity.
  • Integrity is finding a match between what we deserve, what we feel, and what we do in our daily lives. It is a balance between mind, heart and action.
  • Love yourself as you deserve and even if you have to go through loneliness for a while, it will always be better than living with false company that hinders our person and our being.

You are a beautiful person who deserves the best of this life. Fight for it, fight for yourself and for those you love. You have to have self-esteem for yourself.

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