Plants For Better Sleep

Plants are the most recommended options when it comes to promoting rest. In addition to consuming them as an infusion, we can also enjoy their extracts.

If you have trouble falling asleep or wake up at night and can’t get back to sleep, you can enjoy the benefits of some homemade herbal teas.

In this article we give you the best plants to sleep well and wake up in the morning with all the renewed energies.

Infusions and plants for better sleep

Drinking a good infusion that allows us to rest at night seems like a utopia.

However, there are many plants that help us with this common problem, especially in people who live in cities and are overly concerned.

Watch out for the following herbs with calming and soothing properties, which will help you sleep better.


It is one of the most “famous” herbs for sleeping thanks to its sedative effects. It has been used since antiquity (in Rome and Greece we already knew its relaxing properties).

Valerian is of Asian origin although it grows abundantly in Europe and America. Its extract is used as much in the pharmacological industry as in herbal medicine.

This plant contains several essential oils with sedative and spasmolytic capacities. In addition, it is not only effective in getting to sleep, but also in combating anxiety and stress.

It increases the amount of hours we sleep continuously and gives us a wonderful sense of calm. You can drink up to three cups of valerian per day.


Plants for sleep.

Known for its beautiful color and fragrance, lavender is one of the most relaxing herbs in existence and is used for sound sleep.

Consuming the infusion of this plant before going to bed is synonymous with a good night’s rest, pleasant and restorative.

Your body and mind will be relaxed and you can put aside insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression.

In addition, you can use lavender essential oil to scent pillows and pajamas : it will act as a natural sedative.

Another option is to make an immersion bath with a few sprigs of lavender dissolved in the water.

The passion flower

Also known as Passionflower , this plant is very effective at sleep time because it has natural sleeping properties.

For this, it is recommended for people who cannot fall asleep or who wake up with a start during the night. It is ideal for enjoying a restful, pleasant and relaxing rest.

In addition, the passion flower is used as a natural treatment against stress and anxiety.

This mild sedative brings us general well-being and is a great source of alkaloids (whose active ingredients were used to develop tranquilizing drugs).

It can be consumed as an infusion or in capsules or used as a tincture and oils.


Plants in infusion.

Linden is one of the most powerful herbs for sleeping because of its sedative effects. It is relaxing, calming and soothing.

In addition, it has diuretic properties and it is not recommended to consume it before bed (but rather in the afternoon).

  • The antispasmodic lime tree and that is why it relaxes the muscles.
  • It reduces blood pressure and decongests the airways.
  • It has many components in common with valerian.


Known for its white and yellow flowers and its rich taste in herbal teas, chamomile belongs to the daisy family and has been used for a very long time in calming and relaxing treatments.

In addition to consuming it in infusions, we can find extracts, capsules and essential oils.

Chamomile relaxes muscles with a component called apigenin (soothes the central nervous system).

This plant promotes drowsiness, allows you to fall asleep and sleep more soundly.

The hop flower is one of these plants

Plants for the evening.

These flowers are divided into two groups: male and female. The latter, in the shape of a cone, are those that are recommended to treat insomnia in a natural way.

They have a large amount of volatile oils that induce cerebral relaxation.

Hop flowers are also used to regulate states of anxiety and neurosis.

Among its many applications we can highlight that they stimulate the appetite, are a natural antiseptic and a more than powerful diuretic. For this it is recommended not to consume it in the evening.

Plants for better sleep: rosemary

Frequently used in cooking to flavor dishes, rosemary is characterized by its intense aroma.

It consists of flavonoids, minerals, essential oils and phenols. They all promote muscle relaxation and help you get to sleep.

You can drink an infusion of rosemary or use this aromatic herb for lunch and dinner.

Plants for sleeping: the herbs of Saint John

It is a herbal remedy primarily used to treat depression and anxiety, as well as to prevent insomnia and light or interrupted sleep.

The herbs of Saint John increase the production of the hormone serotonin in the brain (responsible for regulating rest).

It can be consumed as an infusion or as capsules. Both presentations are found in herbalists.

Here are some other plants for sleeping:

  • Lemon balm
  • Mint
  • Louise herbs
  • Poppy
  • Verbena

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