Pains In Childbirth: 5 Relaxation Techniques

Feeling pain during childbirth is inevitable. However, before giving birth, the mother can practice some relaxation techniques so that the symptoms are milder.

Childbirth pains are one of the biggest fears of pregnant women. Although the pain is subjective because it varies from woman to woman, it is usually intense: each contraction causes severe pain.

When the time of the birth approaches, the woman has contractions. The upper part of the uterus contracts and the lower part stretches and relaxes to make it easier for the baby to move through the birth canal.

Because of the pain, a woman usually tends to tense and tense her whole body whenever she has a contraction. Although this is a natural response of the body, tension is exhausting and can prolong labor, as contractions are less effective.

It is for this reason that for a good number of years now, some relaxation techniques have been introduced to facilitate childbirth. Their main purpose is to help the mother release tension from the body and control her nerves while the uterus is producing the contractions.

Although there is no scientific basis for these techniques that claims these techniques can reduce pain, their relaxing effects are indeed beneficial. It is advisable to practice them some time before the big day for a better effect.

These techniques not only provide a feeling of tranquility by reducing pain, but they also prepare the body for childbirth. Applying one of these techniques can therefore be very productive.

Are you interested in these techniques for relieving labor pains? We explain here what is the function of each technique. You will discover why they make it possible to face the birth of the baby in a more positive way. Do not miss this article!

1. Support during childbirth

Mothers who choose someone they trust to accompany them during childbirth feel better and more relaxed.

The fact of being accompanied minimizes the need for interventions such as cesarean sections or the use of epidural anesthesia.

2. Freedom of movement

avoid labor pains

One of the techniques to relieve labor pains is to enjoy freedom of movement during the big day. Lying on the bed is not always the best position to minimize tension. Plus, having to wait patiently can even increase stress.

So, during the contractions of the first phase of childbirth, it may be good to walk or do some movement. The pregnant woman thus increases the release of endorphins, which promotes a feeling of well-being.

In addition, certain activities such as pelvic rocking promote the opening of the cervix and therefore the passage of the baby.

3. Breathing exercises relieve labor pains

Many childbirth preparation classes include breathing exercises. This type of technique helps to reduce the pain of contractions during the active dilation phase.

In addition, these exercises help the mother to focus. They encourage her to keep up the pace and listen to her body.

A calm and deep breathing significantly reduces muscle tension and brings tranquility, among other things. So it is good to work on your breathing from the beginning of the process until the end.

4. Music can help you relieve labor pains

Thanks to its therapeutic effects, listening to music is one of the relaxing activities recommended to relieve labor pains.

Listening to relaxing melodies to, for example, accompany the breathing, releases the tensions and fears specific to this process. Soft melodies can reduce the perception of pain as well as stress during contractions.

If the birth takes place in the hospital, it would be good for the person accompanying the mother to take a few songs chosen beforehand. The mother can thus relax before childbirth.

5. A bathtub filled with hot water

pregnant woman in a bathtub wanting to limit the pain of childbirth

Childbirth in water is one of the best known pain relief methods. The contact of the body with hot water produces a strong feeling of relaxation in the muscles and joints. This therefore alleviates the pain.

In addition, this technique decreases the secretion of adrenaline and promotes softening of the cervix.

For these reasons, more and more hospitals are offering rooms with a bathtub for those who would like to live this experience. The mother can thus choose to give birth in water.

Although there is no relaxation technique that completely eliminates the pain of childbirth, practicing these simple techniques can minimize the pain and thus make childbirth less traumatic.

Ongoing support from your partner or loved one as well as breathing exercises and massages can make this experience more enjoyable.


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