Oxidized Jewelry: 5 Tips For Cleaning It

Bring new life to your jewelry by using products you probably have at home that can remove rust. The results will pleasantly surprise you!

Your favorite jewelry is oxidized? Breathe deeply and do not worry too much, as the problem can be solved with a little skill and patience.

In this article, we give you some tips to remove rust from jewelry and give it new life. Don’t miss out on these tips that will keep your jewelry in good condition for longer. Take something to write down, then take notes!

5 tips for cleaning oxidized jewelry

There are many homemade tips for removing rust marks from jewelry. These tips will prevent you from having to resort to abrasive (and expensive) products intended for this purpose. So keep reading to find out what tips will help you find your jewelry like new without spending too much!

1. Sodium bicarbonate, an ally when it comes to cleaning oxidized jewelry

Sodium bicarbonate to treat oxidized jewelry

Its effectiveness is no longer to be proven… Sodium bicarbonate is one of the products that cannot be missing in a household. This mineral is perfect for cleaning any type of surface, from worktops to stains on clothes to oxidized jewelry.

Wet a cloth, then take a small amount of baking soda. Gently rub the jewel, rinse it and dry it  Repeat the operation as many times as necessary.

2. Toothpaste, an old grandmother’s trick that is effective in removing rust from jewelry

We all know this old grandma trick, and it works perfectly!

Clean your necklaces and other metal jewelry with a rag and a little toothpaste. Rinse, then wipe your jewelry with a dry cloth to remove all moisture. Your jewelry will shine brightly again.

3. Aspirin

In a glass of water, put two effervescent aspirins. Soak your jewelry in this mixture and let the mixture act for ten minutes. When you remove the jewelry, there will be no more rust!

4. A cola-type soft drink

Another great option for removing rust from jewelry is Cola-type soft drinks.

The process is very simple: all you need to do is soak your oxidized jewelry in a glass of Cola and wait a few minutes. Then empty the glass, and wipe each piece of jewelry with a dry cloth.

5. The sodium bicarbonate and vinegar mixture

If the rust is very tough, you can test a mixture of two ingredients, sodium bicarbonate and vinegar. In a bowl, pour a little white vinegar and add a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate.

When you start to see bubbles, soak your jewelry in this mixture for a few minutes. Then remove them, then dry them with a dry cloth. That’s it !

Some preventive measures to avoid ending up with oxidized jewelry

Revive the shine of oxidized jewelry

Now that your jewelry is shining bright again without any rust, you need to start taking good care of it to prevent it from darkening again and losing its shine. We recommend that you practice the following measures:

  • Store your jewelry separately
    • The ideal is to keep them separately in order to increase the life expectancy of each of them and to prevent the appearance of rust. There are suitable cloths for cleaning jewelry which are generally effective
  • Separate your jewelry according to the material
    • Store your gold jewelry together, silver jewelry together, etc. This helps prevent damage
  • Avoid contact with sea water, soap, chlorine and other abrasive elements
    • Your jewelry shouldn’t accompany you to the beach. And if you wear them with you, don’t forget to take them off before swimming !
  • Do not wear jewelry when exercising
    • Perspiration can affect the color of the jewelry.
  • Avoid contact with perfume and creams
  • Store your jewelry in a cool, dark place to minimize the possibility of oxidation
  • Protect your jewelry with clear nail polish

Don’t get rid of your oxidized jewelry! As you have seen, removing rust from jewelry is not an impossible task. We hope you find these tips useful and that your jewelry will be like new!


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