Natural Treatment For Varicose Veins With Aloe Vera, Carrot And Apple Cider Vinegar

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and vasodilating action of its ingredients, this natural remedy can help us reduce the appearance of varicose veins and improve blood circulation in the legs.

Varicose veins are one of the cosmetic problems that most affect women in adulthood. They occur when the veins dilate and make it difficult for venous return to the heart.

It is normal for the valves to pump blood from the legs to the heart muscle. However, they can present an alteration and thus be at the origin of the formation of varicose veins.

This can be the result of bad habits such as a sedentary lifestyle and smoking, but it can also be explained by genetic factors, pregnancy or hormonal imbalances.

At first, they appear lightly with the famous “spiders” and little by little, they worsen until a vein is formed which stands out on the legs.

For many, effective treatment is paramount, as varicose veins can also cause inflammation and pain.

Fortunately, today there are many remedies to reduce them significantly, and no need to invest large sums of money!

In fact, with ingredients of natural origin, we can develop very effective and economical alternative solutions.

In this article, we are going to share with you a homemade aloe vera, carrot and apple cider vinegar cream that has shown very positive results in the fight against varicose veins. Try !

What are the benefits of this natural treatment for varicose veins?

The natural treatment with aloe vera, carrot and apple cider vinegar works as a supplement to reduce inflammation and reduce varicose veins.

It is a product that is applied externally, and can be used every day to stimulate blood circulation and reduce pain.

Aloe vera gel is well known in the cosmetics industry for its nutritional richness and its strong moisturizing power.

It has an anti-inflammatory and vasodilator action which decreases the size of the affected veins to stimulate blood flow.

It also provides a significant amount of antioxidants and water which facilitates its application without harming the skin.

Concerning the carrot

On the other hand, the carrot is characterized by its high content of beta-carotenes, an antioxidant that prevents premature aging and dark spots.

Its contributions in group B vitamins, minerals and fiber make it one of the most complete and healthy vegetables that can be consumed.

In view of the consistency that it acquires when cooked or mixed, it is very easy to apply to the skin.

Many of its active compounds are used as actives in firming treatments, since they improve skin elasticity and reduce flaccidity.

In addition, it is a great supplement to improve the condition of varicose veins because the carrot stimulates blood circulation and deflates it.

Finally, we find the prodigious apple cider vinegar, a nutritious food, invigorating and with powerful anti-inflammatory compounds which are excellent in this treatment.

Its direct application helps to recover the normal size of the affected veins and brings a feeling of relief from the tension and the feeling of heaviness.

How to prepare this treatment with aloe vera, carrot and apple vinegar against varicose veins?

The combination of these three ingredients in the same treatment is quite simple and does not take a lot of time.

But, before you start, be aware that this is a complementary product that does not give results if used alone.

Although its regular use improves circulation and the condition of the veins, it must be supported by a good diet and regular exercise to achieve the desired effects.


  • 1 large carrot
  • 2 aloe vera leaves
  • 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (30 ml)


  • Peel the carrot, cut it into small pieces and cook it in a saucepan with water until it softens.
  • When it’s ready, mash it with a fork until you have a paste.
  • Open the aloe vera leaves with a knife and extract the gel contained inside.
  • Mix with the carrot and add the apple cider vinegar.
  • Once you have obtained this creamy paste, apply the remedy.

Mode of use

  • Exfoliate the legs before applying the cream so that the product is well absorbed.
  • Then, spread the cream on the varicose veins and massage gently from the ankles to the calves. 
  • Leave it on for 30 to 40 minutes and rinse it off with cold water.
  • Repeat the application every day, following the same steps.

Conclusions on the treatment of varicose veins

As you can see, there is no need to spend large amounts of money on expensive treatments. You can deal with this problem with natural solutions.

Listen to the advice given in this article and use it on an ongoing basis. You will notice improvements in a short time.


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