Natural Tips To Fight Against Varicose Veins

If because of your work you have to sit for a long time, avoid crossing your legs and get up as often as possible, and make small round trips every thirty minutes to help your blood circulation.

Varicose veins are not only unsightly, but also sometimes very painful. That is why today we recommend that you follow some tips to fight against varicose veins. They will be used to slow down their progress and relieve any discomfort that may ensue.

Our advice to fight against varicose veins

1. Carefully review your family tree!

Varicose veins are an inherited vascular problem, although the origin is not well known. Some experts believe that this is a deficiency in the gene that controls the development of veins. This could produce abnormalities in the structure of the valves and veins.

Or even cause in some people a decrease in the number of venous valves. This would then cause an overload of work on the existing valves. If anyone in your family has varicose veins, then it is best to take preventative action.

Here are some tips to help you do that!

2. Get moving

Exercise cannot prevent varicose veins. But doctors agree that physical activity can decrease symptoms. In particular by improving circulation, and thus preventing the blood from stagnating.

To get your legs moving, virtually any exercise that sets them in motion is good.

  • Bike,
  • Market
  • Jogging,
  • Step in the gym
  • Climb the stairs whenever the opportunity arises, in the office or elsewhere.

All of these exercises are good for the legs and help fight varicose veins!

3. Lose weight

Natural tips to fight against varicose veins: Lose weight

Being overweight causes a decrease in activity in most people.  As a result, the leg muscles work less. Result: in overweight people, the return circulation, from the lower limbs to the heart, is difficult.

In addition, more blood flows into the blood vessels of an obese person than in those of a thinner person, which increases blood pressure.

4. Eat a balanced diet

A balanced diet not only helps to maintain a stable and correct weight, but it also provides the nutrients that really help prevent varicose veins.

For example, proteins and vitamin C contain collagen which itself is part of the composition of the tissue of the venous walls. If the collagen is abundant, the tissues tend to be more resistant.

Eating a balanced diet containing a variety of foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats high in protein is actually the best way to get the right amounts of the right nutrients. However, it will not be used to cure varicose veins.

5. Don’t stand too long without resting.

When one remains standing without moving, the blood circulating in the legs must not only rise up against the force of gravity, but it must do so without the impulse given to it by the muscles of the legs which relax and contract. while walking.

As a result, blood tends to pool in the legs, which promotes the formation of varicose veins. If possible, stop frequently when walking, or better yet, sit with your feet elevated.

And if you have to stand for a long time, lean on one leg and then the other, or occasionally stand on your tiptoes, which will work the leg muscles and return the blood to the heart. .

6. Elevate the legs

Raising the feet is good, but raising them above the level of the heart is even more favorable. It is a way of using gravity to help return blood from the feet and ankles to the heart. Doctors recommend raising the legs regularly to combat varicose veins.

A good way to fight varicose veins is to lie down on the sofa with your feet resting on the armrest or on three or four cushions. Or lie on the floor and rest your feet on a chair. If possible, try to raise your legs every hour for 10 minutes.

7. Don’t sit too long

Natural tips for fighting varicose veins: don't sit too long

Some experts even claim that sitting for long periods of time can contribute to the formation of varicose veins. The bent knees and the position of the hips on the chair make it difficult and delay the return of blood to the heart.

So it is very important that on a long plane or car trip and in the office or at home, you get up and take care to relax your legs every now and then. When you need a break, do 10 heel raises while keeping your tiptoes down.

The same problem can arise if you sit on a chair whose seat is too deep for the length of your legs: the front edge of the chair will come back behind the knee and thus compress the blood vessels while reducing circulation.

Do not cross your legs, as this will prevent the contraction of the muscles in the feet from allowing blood to flow upward through the veins. When you are seated, do a few exercises to help your circulation.

8. Use comfortable clothes

Avoid pants and clothing that are too tight at the waist or groin. Because they can act as a tourniquet and restrict blood flow to these important points of circulation.

Also use comfortable shoes; shoes with low heels work less on the calf muscles than shoes with high heels.

9. Sleep in spandex pants to fight varicose veins!

Trousers made with this elastic fabric, also called Lycra brand spandex, put pressure on the legs and can help a bit. Make sure they aren’t too tight at the groin or waist, however, as they can cut off circulation as well.

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