Natural Remedies To Relieve Gastritis

A natural remedy consists of taking a substance as well as following good eating and living habits to relieve a medical disorder. Today we are going to reveal in this article several natural remedies to relieve gastritis.

Natural remedies are a good way to supplement a treatment, already prescribed by the doctor, and in this case to relieve gastritis disorders. You should know that natural remedies are almost never solutions or mixtures that have a bad taste, on the contrary.

Gastritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the inner walls of the stomach. Usually, it occurs because of a poor diet, bacterial infections, or the excessive consumption of drugs. It can also occur in cases of stress or anxiety.

To relieve the symptoms of gastritis, it is important to identify the cause. For this you need to consult the doctor in order to start the best treatment. As a supplement, you can use natural products that will promote the healing process.

In the case of the natural remedies that we present to you today in this article to treat the symptoms of gastritis, they are different infusions and drinks. You can perfectly prepare them yourself with common ingredients that you use every day. Discover them all!

The relationship of gastritis to eating habits

relieve gastritis through certain eating habits

Gastritis is a disease of the lining of the stomach that occurs when the stomach is inflamed. The lesions caused by gastritis can come from various chronic or acute disorders and there are many reasons that explain their appearance, their development but also their recurrence. Very often gastritis is caused by the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori, but it can also have other causes.

When it comes to eating habits, gastritis is a disease that can often develop when you don’t eat regular, balanced meals, or when you skip meals for long periods of time.

In addition, excessive consumption of drinks rich in caffeine, alcohol, condiments, sauces and spices are common causes of gastritis. The consumption of heavy and high fat dishes is also a determining factor.

Of course, eating habits are not the only reason for gastritis. Indeed, chronic stress, the taking of certain drugs, the action of certain organisms (parasites, viruses, bacteria) and other diseases can influence the inflammation of the lining of the stomach and cause gastritis.

In all cases, a special diet will aim to promote digestive comfort by ensuring adequate nutritional intake. It is a diet rich in fiber, antioxidants and low in foods that irritate the stomach lining.

Symptoms of gastritis

Gastritis does not always have clear symptoms, but the most common are usually the following:

  • Abdominal pain and heartburn, especially in the upper abdomen which may get worse or less with feeding
  • Difficulty digesting, indigestion, feeling full and bloated after light meals
  • Nausea, vomiting and belching
  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • Blood in vomit or stool

In some cases, gastritis can lead to the formation of a badly damaged stomach lining, or even ulcers.  Before getting there, it is therefore essential to try to reduce the inflammation and to undergo specific medical treatment to treat gastritis.

The treatment of gastritis will depend on each case and the factors responsible. Some gastritis can heal spontaneously, but it is always best to consult a doctor if you notice any of the symptoms previously.

You should also favor foods rich in soluble fiber, Omega-3, antioxidants and vitamin A. These foods have indeed proven their effectiveness in the fight against stomach pain. Besides, there are natural remedies that combined with the right treatment will help reduce the sometimes painful symptoms of gastritis.

Natural remedies to relieve gastritis

Prevention of gastritis is possible by taking simple measures and avoiding the risk factors that may be responsible for the onset of the disease. Moderate alcohol consumption and quitting smoking will help reduce the problems associated with gastritis. Managing stress and monitoring nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also reduce your risk of developing gastritis.

In addition, it is possible to relieve certain symptoms by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Thus, chewing more and limiting meals that are too large can reduce the onset of heartburn. Also avoid the consumption of acidic or spicy products, alcohol, spices or coffee, which attack the stomach. Light meals, consisting of liquid foods, cereals, and fruits and vegetables are sometimes recommended.

The following natural remedies will help you follow and adopt better eating habits to prevent and reduce the disorders associated with gastritis. These natural solutions will go a long way in both relieving the symptoms of gastritis and improving your eating habits.

1. Infusions and other drinks to relieve gastritis

infusions and other drinks to relieve gastritis

In addition to following the doctor’s instructions, it is necessary to make changes in your daily habits. Natural herbal teas are very beneficial in relieving gastritis and are very easy to prepare at home.

For this purpose, we now offer you various infusions and other drinks to help you relieve the symptoms of gastritis.

  • Add a teaspoon of flax seeds to a cup of boiling water. Let stand 12 hours, filter and drink after all meals. Flax seed is used to treat various ailments related to the digestive system.
  • Dissolve some lemon juice in a glass of lukewarm water and drink this remedy after eating. The stomach “senses” the acidity of the lemon and stops producing gastric juice, which will ease the pain. Additionally, lemon is an excellent wound healer and will heal ulcers or damage to the stomach.
  • Cook a handful of rice in half a liter of water. When the rice is cooked, filter, retaining the water and allowing it to cool. Drink this rice water up to three times a day to reduce gastritis . Rice water is a very traditional remedy that is effective in relieving gastritis disorders.
  • Pour half a teaspoon of fennel, cumin and anise in a cup of boiling water. Cover well and let this mixture infuse and cool. Filter this infusion and drink it after all meals to reduce gastritis disorders.

Other drinks to relieve gastritis

  • Pour a tablespoon of dill seeds in a cup of boiling water. Let cool, covered, and drink three cups a day for three days in a row.
  • Prepare rooibos tea or chamomile infusion and drink them after every meal to relieve gastritis. Chamomile tea is one of the most popular and effective for relieving symptoms of gastritis. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and digestive properties, chamomile has the ability to protect and repair the gastric membrane. The ideal is to drink chamomile tea every day after meals.
  • Boil a liter of water with three sprigs of fresh tarragon for 10 minutes. Leave to infuse, covered, filter everything and drink a cup of this natural remedy after each meal.
  • Boil a tablespoon of ginger and another marshmallow for 10 minutes in three cups of water. Add a spoonful of meadowsweet or meadowsweet. Let stand, filter this infusion and drink it three times a day to relieve gastritis disorders.

The most recommended in case of gastritis is to drink a cup or two of infusion. Do this preferably between 20 minutes and an hour after each meal. In addition, it is not recommended to consume the same infusion for more than a month. You should take a break of at least one week before consuming these infusions again.

2. Smoothies and natural juices to relieve gastritis

Besides herbal teas, the consumption of natural juices is highly beneficial in complementing the medical treatment of gastritis. Remember that you should not consume these natural remedies without consulting a specialist first.

We now offer you different smoothies and juices that will help you reduce the symptoms of gastritis.

  • Liquefy ¼ white onion, half a liter of orange juice, four chaya leaves and an aloe vera stalk of about 6 cm. Consume this remedy at least twice a week for a month to relieve gastritis.
  • Consume 1/4 cup of aloe juice (aloe vera gel) three times a day. Aloe vera is used to treat and heal damage to the walls of the stomach, in addition to being a good antimicrobial.
  • Mix together half a large potato, a carrot and two celery stalks (all raw and peeled beforehand). Drink this smoothie on an empty stomach and always at the same time every day. Follow this natural treatment every day for at least a month.
  • Mix a few pieces of papaya and banana in a cup with oat milk. Consume this remedy after breakfast to relieve gastritis.
  • Wash, peel and slice a potato. Place it in a mixing bowl with a glass of water, four almonds, four dates without pits and a peeled banana. Drink a glass of this mixture at least three times a week.

In addition, in case of gastritis, it is always better to consume the fruits before the evening dinner.

Other recommendations for relieving gastritis

  • With the juices and smoothies mentioned above, do not add sugar or any other type of ingredient.
  • Also take a spoonful of olive oil on an empty stomach.
  • Avoid large meals. Moderation is the key to improving gastritis disorders.
  • Do not eat quickly, as this produces gas and prevents proper digestion.
  • While eating, if you are thirsty, it is best to drink small sips of liquid. Preferably, we recommend that you drink before eating.
  • Also, avoid drinking cold water “all at once” before, during or after a meal.
  • Once the meal is finished, you can take an infusion of chamomile or any other herbal medicine recommended previously to help the stomach digest food.

Also, do not forget that natural remedies are a means of supplementing the pharmacological treatment prescribed by your doctor. In any case, it is not recommended to treat gastritis exclusively with natural remedies, as they will not solve the problem.

If you are suffering from gastritis, it is advisable to avoid a series of foods that can worsen the disease and its symptoms. In addition, there are also natural ingredients that can help you soothe the pain of this inflammatory disorder. Find out how to fight gastritis with these natural remedies.


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