Melatonin, A Powerful Natural Antidote

Melatonin is a hormone that is secreted by our body only when it is dark, which is why it is important to have good sleep habits, and sleep at night.

Melatonin is a natural hormone secreted by the body . It has multiple functions within our body, and it is a powerful natural antidote.

You should know that it coordinates and regulates biological rhythms, participates in many neuro-endocrine and neurophysiological processes, and stimulates our immune system.

It is also the most powerful endogenous antioxidant that we know! Its therapeutic applications are innumerable …

Melatonin is produced by a structure in our body called the pineal gland. Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire already knew about this structure.

They called it at the time “the seat of the soul” because it is here that the psychic and somatic processes are activated. They were right! Indeed, the pineal gland controls all the hypothalamic neuro-endocrine centers.

Promote sleep

Its sedative action controls our biological cycles. In cases of insomnia, for example, taking exogenous melatonin would facilitate sleep.

It was indeed found that his administration made people fall asleep. 


Melatonin can keep our tissues in good condition. It also protects us from free radicals. Its capacities are much more important than any other element, whether endogenous or exogenous.

In this regard, it provides much more than vitamin E or glutathione. Moreover, there is now a lot of research on this subject.

Researchers are thus trying to study possible remedies for Alzheirmer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, etc.

Protect the immune system

The benefits of melatonin help us to better defend ourselves in the face of stressful situations and in the face of viral diseases. This molecule also protects us from the passage of time and the aging that accompanies it.

Living a healthy lifestyle and eating a good diet helps us maintain a good level of melatonin in the body. In this way, we will be able to take advantage of the various qualities provided by this molecule.

Thus, we will best protect our immune system.

Balance emotional turmoil

This is especially true for people who suffer from problems when the weather or the seasons change. For postmenopausal women, it is very important to control melatonin levels.

During this period, insomnia and mood swings are unfortunately part of our daily life.

If we can optimally regulate melatonin levels, our bodies will thank us. Indeed, we will be able to improve our emotional balance and our precious rest.

Help lose weight and produce good fat

Scientists have found that melatonin effectively regulates weight gain.

This is because it stimulates beige fat, which is a type of fat cell that burns calories instead of storing them! Quite the opposite of white fat, which accumulates calories and therefore causes an increase in weight …

Beige fat is also known as “good fat” or slimming fat. It helps control the weight of our body and therefore improves our metabolism.

In which foods can we find melatonin?

melatonin in cherries

  • Cherry: It is a natural source of melatonin. It also includes important vitamins (A, C and E).
  • Nuts: Eating them in the morning, for example, allows us to increase our melatonin levels. For 1 gram of nuts we get 3.4 ng of this hormone.
  • Mustard: It contains a very good level of melatonin. On top of that, mustard is perfect when it comes to weight loss.
  • Almond: It is an ideal source of energy. Its composition also includes a large dose of melatonin.
  • Banana: It is a  good source of potassium. In addition to taking care of our health, bananas give us a sufficient amount of melatonin. It can then function optimally as a natural sedative.
  • Goji berries: They contain melatonin but also a lot of carotenoids, hence their antioxidant benefits. They also contain essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid, and help promote fat loss.
  • Tomato: Tomato has a diuretic and antioxidant effect. It also eliminates uric acid and cholesterol. It is a very effective source of melatonin. So don’t hesitate to include it in your diet!

Remember that melatonin is a hormone that is produced in our body only when it is dark. You must therefore pay attention to your sleep.

Rest and let your body work on its own. Always accompany it with a good balanced diet.

Melatonin is a wonderful ally for our health. It must therefore be preserved!

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