Medicinal Plants To Cleanse The Liver

Mint tea helps digestion and stimulates liver activity.

The liver is the most important organ we have. We must therefore take care of it to live in good health. Because the normal functioning of other organs depends on how we treat our liver. Discover in this article the best medicinal plants to purify the liver.

These plants will also allow you to take care of  your gallbladder in a natural way, because they have detoxifying effects on these two organs!

Borututu tree bark to purify the liver

The bark of this tree has many properties. It has long been used to detoxify the liver and gallbladder, and more generally, the entire digestive system. In addition, it is an excellent depurative or blood purifier.

Its high content of antioxidants helps strengthen the body to make it more resistant to toxins found in the environment, in the water in certain foods.

Chicory root

Chicory root has excellent benefits and properties that actively participate in the detoxification process of the liver and gallbladder. The root of this plant has the ability to prevent the formation of stones in the gallbladder and in the liver.

With a spoonful of root extract and two cups of boiling water, you can prepare a good, healthy infusion, to be consumed twice a day.

Greater celandine

greater celandine to purify the liver

This plant to purify the liver is used frequently. It is also effective for the gallbladder and for purifying the blood. It can also be very useful in the treatment of certain respiratory problems. It also relieves symptoms of indigestion.

Milk thistle seeds

These seeds have the property of stimulating the regeneration of damaged liver tissue. They also increase the production of bile. This is very important for the liver to function normally.

A good infusion with these seeds helps control cholesterol levels. They also provide the body with a large amount of essential antioxidants to fight against free radicals. It also prevents inflammation of the liver and gallbladder.

Mint leaves

An infusion made from mint leaves can be very effective in purifying the liver. As well as the gallbladder,  and that of the entire digestive system. Indeed, this plant has the ability to relax muscles and reduce pain caused by colic resulting from gastric problems.

Turmeric to purify the liver.


Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant. Which therefore makes it an excellent ally for eliminating toxins from the body. It purifies the blood and thus maintains the body in perfect health. Likewise, it promotes good blood circulation. Consume it on a regular basis to keep your liver healthy.

Meadow sorrel root

The root of this plant is very effective in purifying the liver and gallbladder. Because it eliminates certain substances that are harmful to them. It also has the property of stimulating intestinal transit, thus relieving people who suffer from constipation.

It can even relieve kidney problems. Indeed, it increases the production of urine. And therefore promotes the elimination of harmful substances found in the kidneys, in the bladder and throughout the body more generally.

The chancapiedra

The benefits of this wonderful herb for purifying the liver have been discovered recently. But we know that it is really effective in the prevention and the treatment of the problems which can appear at the level of the liver and the kidneys mainly.

In order to properly prepare an infusion of chancapiedra, boil three glasses of water. Then add three spoonfuls of the leaves of this plant. After 15 minutes, lower the heat and let stand. Drink this preparation three times a day for a week.

This plant is contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women. And it should be consumed with caution by diabetics or hypertensive people.

Remember …

Plants play a very important role in the treatment of diseases. And especially in the prevention of these. This is why it is important to know the applications of each of them.

It is especially necessary to take care to carry out the treatments well. Do not take amounts greater than those indicated. Because they could have the opposite effect to that expected.

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