Make This Easy And Delicious Madrid Tripe Recipe

Madrid Tripe is a tasty recipe whose secret lies in patience. The more you let the meat marinate beforehand, the more flavorful the dish will have!

You may not be very familiar with the recipes from Spain. And even less Madrid-style guts.

Don’t worry, in this article you will see how mouth watering this recipe is. In addition, it is very easy to prepare. So read on!

Madrid-style guts

As the name suggests, this dish comes from Madrid. There are, however, many other variations.

This is a stew that is quite rich in ingredients and proteins  often accompanied by a delicious sauce.

On the other hand, some variants contain chickpeas or Espelette pepper.

Recipe features

Not only do Madrid tripe usually come with  bread, but due to their consistency, they are also very heavy to digest, which accelerates the feeling of fullness.

Do you love stews, tasty broths and cold cuts? Got some time to cook and want to try this Madrid-style tripe recipe?

We therefore recommend that you follow the instructions we are going to give you!

 Find out how to make Madrid-style tripe

madrilenian tripe recipe


First of all, discover our little secret

Has the title of this dish aroused a certain curiosity in you? Do you want to try to prepare it? So get all the necessary ingredients! Remember, the secret to making this dish successful is patience and organization.

Indeed, it is necessary to marinate the meat the day before, because this will allow the flavors of the dish to be fixed.

Madrid tripe recipe

prepare madrilenian tripe



  • 5 cups of beef tripe (about 600 gr)
  • 8 Asturian chorizos (about 600 gr)
  • 2 or 3 onion sausages (about 500 gr)
  • 360 gr of pancetta
  • 3 tablespoons of chopped bay leaf (45 gr)
  • 4 tablespoons of tripe spices (60 gr)
  • 3 garlic cloves without skin
  • 2 red aji peppers (45 gr)
  • 4 tablespoons of tomato paste (60 gr)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (15 gr)
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper (5 gr)
  • Water (amount needed)


  • First,  cut the tripe into pieces.
  • Then clean them well.
  • Put them to cook in a saucepan of water and add the chopped bay leaf.
  • Add the pancetta and spices as well.
  • Let it cook for 45 minutes, without the lid.
  • Once the cooking is finished, filter your preparation, taking care to preserve the juice and to reserve it.
  • Pour the ingredients into another pot of boiling water, and also add the Asturian chorizos and blood sausages.
  • Cook over high heat in 15 minute intervals.
  • Then, start to prepare the sauce by sautéing the garlic cloves with the well chopped onion, as well as the red pepper.
  • Add the tomato paste, then the tripe, the chorizos and the blood sausages. Put everything in a large casserole-type saucepan.
  • Increase the heat and pour in the broth from the first cooking.
  • Finally, let it boil for 20 minutes, turn off the heat and let cool for a few minutes.
  • Accompany this dish with bread and serve it in a deep dish, seasoning with pepper and bay leaf.


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