Losing Belly Fat With The Apple Diet

Although initially somewhat restrictive, this apple diet is great for detoxifying the body and speeding up the metabolism for weight loss in a healthy way.

The apple diet for reducing the abdomen is very restrictive. Therefore, experts indicate that it is not advisable to maintain it over time. In principle, this is a diet for a maximum of one week.

People who find it difficult to lose weight and need to do so for their health, as they are exposed to several immediate risks, are usually prescribed diets for periods of time in order to be able to achieve this. All this is controlled and taken care of by the doctor and a nutritionist.

Not having  a sufficiently satisfying, complete, varied and balanced diet  can lead to rapid decomposition of the body in various ways and be vulnerable to disease. The same is true when an obese person decides to adopt a diet without the support of a doctor or nutritionist.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight in an effective yet healthy way, it is best that you follow the recommendations of your family doctor or nutritionist. And if they are guiding you to the apple diet, remember that this is not a way to eat for life  , but for a specific time.

Apple diet, only for 1 week

apple diet1st day

The first day of the apple reduction abdomen diet is to eat apples with some snacks. However,  nutritionists do not currently validate these extreme diets. Therefore, in order not to get hungry, you can prepare light meals, such as a grilled hake fillet with a salad.


  • 2 apples + 1 toast with egg white omelet + 1 mint or spearmint infusion.


  • 1 grilled hake fillet with lemon + 1 portion of mixed salad + 1 apple (dessert).

Having dinner

  • 3 apples

* Possible snacks: unsweetened, skimmed yogurt; raw carrots, mixed salads with vinaigrette, salt, black pepper and a drizzle of olive oil.

Day 2

On the second day of the apple diet, you will add vegetables that will prevent the presence of hunger. To season them, it is better to use vinegar, salt and olive oil, instead of mayonnaise.

In salad dressings and preparations, keep in mind that olive oil will provide you with healthy fats, but you should always use it in moderation.


  • 1 apple + 1 toast with tomato, olive oil and salt + 1 glass of soy milk, unsweetened (250 ml).


  • 2 grilled chicken breasts + 1 salted (2 carrots, 1 small beet, mint leaves, olive oil, salt and pepper) + 1 apple (dessert).

Having dinner

  • 2 apples

Day 3

On the third day,  your body will begin to receive   good quality lean protein Here you can make some changes if you are a vegetarian, opting for cheese or tofu.

If you’re not a vegetarian but want alternatives, use yogurt instead of ham or cheese.

apple diet


  • 1 apple + 2 scrambled eggs + 1 slice of whole wheat bread with avocado and black pepper.


  • 1 apple + salad (1 cucumber + 1 tomato + ½ avocado + basil leaves + 30 g of goat cheese + salt + pepper + olive oil).

Having dinner

  • 1 apple + salad (2 slices of turkey ham + 2 carrots + ½ cup of cooked broccoli + salt + pepper).

Day 4

The fourth day of the apple diet involves adding more complex carbohydrates.

The potato and lentils will provide fiber and  prepare your stomach when you start eating various foods again. You can change them to other legumes, if you prefer.


  • Smoothie of 1 apple + 2 stalks of celery + ½ small beets + ½ glass of unsweetened soy milk (125 ml).


  • 1 apple soup + lentils + 1 glass of orange juice or lemonade (250 ml).

Having dinner

  • 1 apple + vegetable soup + ½ baked potato + 1 glass of water (250 ml).

Day 5

The last day of the apple diet that will allow you to lose belly fat is the one with the most amount and variety of foods. The idea is to prepare your body for a healthy diet in the future.

If you don’t like the potato, replace it with sweet potatoes, lentils, or beans as well.


  • 1 apple + 2 hard-boiled eggs + roasted vegetables.


  • 1 apple + baked fish + ½ baked potato + steamed vegetables.

Having dinner

  • 1 apple + 5 nuts + ½ glass of almond milk (125 ml).

Some considerations

When following the apple reduction diet for abdomen, don’t neglect your hydration. Try to drink enough water throughout the day.

  • Start your day with a glass of water  to refresh and hydrate your body early. Believe it or not, it will also help you have more energy.
    • Avoid consuming carbonated drinks and industrial drinks (flavored waters, fruit juices, teas, etc.), as they are high in sugars even when they have the light label  .
    • If you are going to be consuming juices and smoothies, make sure they are homemade and made with fresh, healthy ingredients. Also avoid adding sugar and sweeteners.
  • Prioritize healthy, organic and fresh food  Try to avoid ultra-processed and frozen products, as they do not offer any health benefits.
  • Prepare snacks between main meals. The best options will be foods that are high in fiber and low in fat, such as fruits, fresh vegetables, yogurt, milk, and nuts.

Are you looking for a diet for healthy weight loss?

Would you dare to try the apple diet to reduce abdomen? In this case, keep in mind that you have to be extra careful, as this is not the most recommended option by experts.

If you have questions about how to eat healthy, consult a nutritionist. The professional will provide you with healthy and safe personalized options, which will also help you achieve your goals (and, later, maintain them over time).

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