Learn To Listen To Your Body

We cannot ignore what our body is telling us because it holds all the answers to our feelings. Do not repress your emotions: listen to your interior and let them flow.

Many illnesses are the result or the direct consequence of an accumulation of repressed emotions over a period of time. We learn to live on the alert all the time, which prevents us from realizing what is going on in our body.

We have to learn to listen to our body. It contains the answers to all our worries and sorrows. To the pains that torment us, to the thoughts that worry us and to the healing processes that we do not listen to.

So, for example, our digestive system is our second brain, the one that acts independently of the brain.

Experts claim that 95% of the serotonin we have in our body occurs in conjunction with our digestive system.

This is one of the reasons why each of us must develop a way of harmonizing with our bodily needs, because the world of sensations is so huge, that it would be too simplistic to try to organize a guide for describe it.

Where to start ?

Start with simple things. Rest if you are tired. If you have to go to the bathroom, go. If you feel like crying, cry. Observe your reactions, your breathing and your heart. Listen to your interior.

Does reading something about gastrointestinal issues or the menstrual cycle make you feel anything in particular?

We have to understand how our body feels and listen to it. If our legs are numb, maybe we should get up and go for a walk to stretch our body.

We must trust our body and recognize in it the innate wisdom that it possesses.

It is disheartening to see that after years of evolution we have become detached from our sensations and our bodily needs.

It may not be necessary to know what exactly is going on in our body in order to be able to respond to it.

That is, we don’t need to know the reason why our hearts are racing, why we feel like crying, or why we have a cramp.

Understanding comes after one has allowed oneself to experience what one feels.

This process takes place at the same time in the body and in the mind. It is therefore essential to allow each sensation to manifest itself.

Once you start to feel a disorder, anxiety, or any other sensation or emotion, the process of working out becomes more complex.

Close your eyes and take a moment to think back to what happened in the last few hours or days.

This can surely give you a clue as to what triggered certain symptoms.

The basic pillar of healing

Our sensations and emotions are aimed at helping us to live consciously, to benefit from our experience and to learn to trust the wisdom of our body.

We can say that over time we have become detached and underestimated our capacity for self-perception.

We have come to feel that we are constantly in an emergency situation that requires immediate attention.

The consequence of this is that we neglect the important thing, which is to listen to the pains caused by our emotions.

In this way, our body speaks louder and louder to us to get our attention, which can have negative consequences on our health.

Sadness and pain, our great allies

We have learned to think that we should always be motivated and feel good about life.

However, we have failed to understand what it really means to “smell”.

We should not reject, underestimate or devalue our sadness or our pain because these are two great masters that nature has made available to us to help us move forward in life.

Denying or not paying attention to these emotions is a cultural issue that has been forced upon us with the passage of time.

For example, we have been taught that we have an innate ability to cope with pain.

Crying is a way of channeling our energy and understanding our body. We must therefore not repress this emotion.

It is amazing how we suppress the full expression of our emotions through taking medication or even playing sports.

Thus, we produce encephalins, these hormones that suppress our tears, which prevents us from channeling our feelings.

Tears of joy and tears of sadness have a different composition and are caused by different hormones, just as their purpose is different.

This is why it is very important to let them go out of the body if the latter asks us to.

When we allow ourselves to release our emotions, our body and soul feel clean. Both joy and sadness help us digest life.

It gives us such mental clarity that we often manage to see later on how we could have done or how we should have behaved at some point.

The pain that ends the pain

We believe that a life full of effort and sacrifice is a more honorable life than a life full of joy. It makes you think about the pressure to which we submit ourselves.

In fact, the only path to emotional freedom comes when we are able to deeply perceive a process that we have buried almost since we were born.

To achieve this, it is necessary to lighten our emotional load and adopt a new attitude that helps us generate healthier feelings for ourselves.

That is to say, the important thing is not to run away from what is going on in our body, and to be able to resolve everything that we have been trying to keep buried for so long.

Source of the idea: The body of the woman, the wisdom of the women. By Christiane Northrup

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