Is It Good To Eat Eggs?

Contrary to popular belief, eggs do not raise cholesterol.

There are voices in favor, and others who oppose eating eggs on a daily or weekly basis.

Some tell us that this food has many properties for the body. For other people, it is not good for their health.

Finally, is it good or bad to eat eggs? Find out the answer in this article!

Nutritional characteristics of eggs

The egg is a food full of nutrients and very economical. It is present in a large number of recipes. However, it is said that the egg is not good for you because it raises the levels of cholesterol and fats in the body. It could therefore facilitate the occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

The egg  does not only provide protein, it is also loaded with fats  (monounsaturated, such as polyunsaturated), vitamins and cholesterol. You have to keep in mind that you have to keep your cholesterol at a balanced level.

eat eggs
It is very easy to conduct an analysis on the short-term effects of heavy egg consumption. There are studies that are unanimous in saying that it is excellent for your health. But others say just the opposite.

There is currently no hard evidence that eating eggs regularly is unhealthy.

Other factors also come into play. Indeed, the egg is not the only one responsible for an increase in cholesterol levels. Stress, the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, fats, refined products and too much sedentarization are also the cause.

It also depends on how you consume the eggs. Indeed, eating eggs each day in a pan with fat will not have the same health effects as consuming hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs.

Doctors tell us that we should not eat more than 4 or 5 eggs depending on the age, history and lifestyle of the patient.

Lies and truths about eating eggs

Eating Eggs Raises Blood Cholesterol Levels: False

As we have already told you, eggs alone cannot cause an increase in cholesterol. This is because other foods that contain animal fat, such as meat or cold meats, can also increase cholesterol.

We must avoid the consumption of raw eggs: true

Bacterial poisoning (salmonella) is reduced or eliminated when the egg is cooked. For this, cooking must take place at over 60 ° C.

It is necessary to wash them before putting them in the refrigerator: false

The eggshell is a film that protects what it contains. When we wash the eggs, we promote the presence and proliferation of microorganisms in the rough texture of the egg. However, it is recommended to wash them just before cooking them, with a little water.

Colored eggs are better than white eggs: false

The color of the shell has nothing to do with the nutritional properties of the egg. The color varies only depending on the breed of the hen. This is why there are white ones, and brown ones. You can eat both varieties, there is no difference.

Children and pregnant women must not eat eggs: false

It’s quite the opposite ! The egg provides a large amount of vitamins and proteins which are excellent for the growth of the fetus and toddler. These effects are especially noticeable on the nervous system.

The egg also promotes the elimination of food allergies that manifest themselves during the first years of life. The only precaution to take is not to give it to children under 8 months old.

The elderly should not eat eggs: false

The elderly must eat eggs. It is possible to eat it up to three times a week, to increase and prevent loss of muscle mass. In addition, its high content of antioxidants helps delay the onset of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, or arteriosclerosis.

Eggs contain a lot of calories: false

An egg provides only 80 calories for 6 grams of protein if it is eaten boiled, and not cooked in a pan. In addition, it contains essential nutrients like zinc, or iron. Its essential amino acids are also of excellent quality.

Hens are manipulated to produce more eggs: true

It is important to make some nuances, because this statement is not 100% true. Industries dedicated to the mass sale of eggs have developed techniques that are not at all healthy.

Some of them involve manipulation of the light so that the hen will speed up her ovulation. In this way, she can produce more eggs.

To avoid this, buy eggs that come from small farms or family businesses. This way, you will be sure to buy healthy eggs, produced by chickens that are not mistreated.

eat eggs

Egg white vs. egg yolk: which is better?

Many people wonder if it is better to eat the whole egg, or just the white or the yolk. Based on nutritional considerations alone, the answer is: yolk. It is in this part that the greatest concentration of nutrients is found.

The yolk is the ovum of the egg, it is the place where the chick forms if the egg is fertilized.
This is why it contains a lot of vitamins and proteins.

But, why do we eat white too? Yellow is better only if you take into account the energy value. But, white contains a lot of amino acids that help develop muscles, especially as part of a specific training.

Egg white does not contain a lot of fat. This is why people who follow a slimming diet consume it. It does not provide cholesterol, egg white is not dangerous even if your triglyceride levels are high!


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