How To Treat Sunburn?

Overexposure to the sun causes our body to lose water and essential mineral salts, which is why it is essential that we stay well hydrated both outside and inside .

Our skin is exposed to the sun’s rays every day and sometimes we can get sunburned. These burns occur when ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin and cause the tissue of the epidermis to die, making it look unsightly and sometimes painful.

When our skin suffers from damage due to sun exposure, it is very important to start caring for it as this can affect its health as well as our beauty. Although there are different treatments for sunburn, when the skin is burned, it is best to apply a natural treatment that will help it regenerate. In this article, we’ll show you how you should go about repairing your skin after excessive sun exposure.

Stay in the shade

If your skin is burnt, your best bet is to stay in the shade, as exposure to the sun will only make it worse. If you absolutely have to go outside, dress in clothes that cover well. Also, if possible protect your face with sunscreen and a hat.

Using cold water on your sunburns

When the skin is damaged from the sun, the first thing to do is to take a cold water bath to cool the affected area. Whenever possible, you should put cold water compresses for a few minutes on the burnt area to take advantage of its calming properties. In addition to this , drink large amounts of water to avoid dehydration. This is because sun exposure causes your body to lose water and essential salts.

Apply cold milk compresses on your sunburns

Milk is a great remedy that relieves sunburned skin. Indeed, it contains fatty acids and lactic acid, which work as calming agents for burns.

What should you do?

Soak a clean, soft cloth in a generous amount of whole milk. Apply it to the affected area with gentle massages for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

Drink chamomile tea

Chamomile infusion to relieve sunburn

Chamomile is an herb with calming medicinal properties ideal for relieving the pain and itching of burns.

What should you do?

Prepare an infusion of chamomile and let it cool completely. You can keep it in the fridge or pop in a few ice cubes to cool it down faster. Once cool, apply it to the affected area using a large piece of cotton or a towel.

Using aloe vera to relieve sunburn

Aloe vera is one of the most widely used medicinal plants for treating sunburn. Firstly, it relieves the pain of the burn but it also regenerates the tissues and helps to recover more quickly and efficiently.

What should you do?

Extract the aloe vera gel from the stem and apply it directly to the affected area of ​​the skin. This plant is also recommended for internal treatment, pressed with water or juice.

Using oats

Oats are great for moisturizing sunburned skin. But also, to soften and restore the damage caused after the burn.

What should you do?

Prepare some sort of lotion using a good amount of oatmeal mixed with water. Apply the paste to the affected area of ​​the skin and massage gently. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing it off with cold water.

Apply apple vinegar to relieve sunburn


Apple vinegar is one of the best treatments to relieve sunburn because in addition to relieving pain, it prevents the appearance of blisters and flaking of the skin.

What should you do?

Dilute the vinegar in the same amount of water and apply it directly to the skin.

You can put apple vinegar compresses on the affected skin for 15 minutes. Once the time has elapsed, soak the laundry again so that the cooling action is even more effective.

Another option is to make apple cider vinegar baths, using more vinegar than water. Mix two cups of apple cider vinegar for one cup of water. Then immerse your body in the tub.

Remember …

The best way to avoid sunburn is to avoid it. For this, it is necessary to take measures such as the use of sunscreen, daily water consumption, proper hydration of the skin, a healthy diet, exfoliation and daily grooming.

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