How To Say Goodbye To Ingrown Hairs?

Do not fall for the tweezers to extract ingrown hairs because if you do it improperly you risk infecting them.

Many people want hair to disappear from certain parts of their body. So that their skin is very smooth and beautiful, without ingrown hairs. 

However, it is still necessary to resort to a hair removal method that can help remove unwanted hair. In order to give a better appearance to the skin.

The problem with most of these methods is that they cause skin irritation. And ingrown hairs which can be painful and unsightly.

In order for the hair to come out, you have to break the thin layer of skin on the hair follicle.

However, sometimes this does not go as expected because the hair is too thin or the skin is too thick.

When the hair fails to come out to the surface, it continues to grow under the skin. And follows a direction opposite to that of its usual growth line.

This is when what most of us know as ingrown hair appears.

Removing ingrown hairs is no easy task, and poor hair removal can be painful.

That’s why in this article, we’re going to share with you the best tips for saying goodbye to ingrown hairs.

Choose an adequate hair removal method

Waxing, and techniques that involve pulling on the skin, are linked to different skin problems, such as ingrown hairs.

It is obvious that these are very effective and fast techniques for removing hair. However, the best is to look for an alternative to the problem of ingrown hairs. 

If you tend to suffer from this problem, opt to use hair removal methods like razors or depilatory creams.

They are less aggressive on the skin and reduce the risk of ingrown hairs.

Regular exfoliation

One of the keys to preventing and combating ingrown hairs is regular exfoliation which helps in removing dead cells that build up in the skin and block the follicle.

You can use a commercial exfoliator with natural ingredients or a horsehair glove with which you will make circular and upward movements.

The ideal is to repeat this treatment two or three times a week to make sure that the hair does not become buried.

Daily hydration

Thanks to daily hydration, we prevent the skin from drying out and starting to suffer from certain skin problems.

If the skin is dry and hard, it is more likely that the hairs remain under the skin. C ar they can not go outside because of the hard layer of skin.

Hot water

This tip is interesting to perform before starting hair removal. This is because moistening the skin with hot water helps open the pore and makes hair removal more effective.

If the hair is already under the skin, another option is to apply warm compresses to soften the skin and help the hair get closer to the surface.

Fried onion

If the hair is ingrown and you are worried about the pimple forming on the skin, fry some onion and apply it slightly warm to the affected area.

This treatment explodes the pimple and frees the hair that is buried there. 

Avoid using tweezers against ingrown hairs

When the coat does not quickly come out to the surface despite your best efforts, you may want to use pliers to remove it.

It is a very dangerous practice. Because if you do not do it properly, it can cause an infection or a problem that will later leave scars.

If for some reason you’ve used tweezers and you’re worried about an infection, resort to glycolic acid to disinfect and heal the pore.

If infection seems inevitable, see a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Use medication for acne

In general, ingrown hairs are similar to an acne pimple, especially if they form with pus.

Another way to get rid of it is to apply an acne medication such as, for example, benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. 

This type of remedy, supplemented with exfoliation, may be more than enough to eliminate this problem. Because it decreases inflammation and allows the hair to come out without problem.

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