How To Reuse Plastic Packaging That Accumulates At Home?

Plastic is one of the materials that we can reuse in so many ways to fight against environmental pollution. Here we are sharing some simple ideas that you can take advantage of!

Plastic packaging has become the most widely used materials in all of history. Although some proposals are currently being presented to reduce their use, a large number of manufacturers continue to use plastic as a raw material for their packaging. Reusing plastic packaging is an excellent ecological strategy!

This situation has been strongly influenced by environmental pollution, as the average use of plastic in all households is huge. Also, many items are lost because not everyone knows that it can be reused in so many ways.

Most worrying is that it has a negative impact on natural resources, as it is not biodegradable and affects water, flora and fauna at the same time. For this reason, the trend to reuse is not just a fad, but a necessity.

How can you get started? Well, it is very simple. Starting now, start educating yourself on how to best use the packaging that accumulates in your home. Here we share some cool ideas that you can put into practice!

Ideas for reusing plastic packaging that accumulates at home

In recent years, a series of ideas have been shared for reusing plastic packaging. While many campaigns have forced industries to change their manufacturing materials, we realize that at home, plastic packaging continues to pile up in large quantities.

Although there are entities responsible for recycling, many prefer to take care of it themselves. And, without having to invest a lot of time, a simple bottle can become a very useful item in the home.


planters in recycled plastic packaging

There are dozens of alternatives for making beautiful pots for plants with plastic bottles. You just need a little creativity to give them different shapes. Remember that in the bottom you need to make small holes so that the water can drain out.

Bird feeders

bird feeders in recycled plastic packaging

From a plastic container you can make a beautiful bird feeder that will also help decorate the garden. You just need to make several holes in a medium bottle, then insert a wooden spoon or stick. The birds will arrive on their own!

Candy dispenser

candy dispenser in recycled plastic packaging.
Are you planning to organize a party or a meeting? Consider making this curious plastic candy dispenser. Just cut out the bottoms of soda bottles and decorate their edges with colorful ribbons.

Zippered containers

recycled plastic packaging kits

By joining the bottoms of two plastic bottles, you can create an interesting container with a zipper to store your accessories. Besides, you can also choose the size that suits you the best or, if you prefer, you can even make yourself a handbag. Ingenious, right?

Pet food dispenser

animal feeders in recycled plastic packaging

Instead of spending money to buy a bowl for your pet, clip a few large plastic bottles between them and make an interesting food dispenser. If you want to have a more decorative look, paint it and also put stickers with animal designs.

Trash can or recycle bin

bins in recycled plastic packaging

Instead of throwing plastic bottles in the trash, make a trash can instead! Even if it takes a little time, it will be worth the effort. Join several containers of the same size until you get the shape of the bin.


candlesticks in recycled plastic packaging

A simple and interesting way to reuse plastic containers is to make beautiful candlesticks. The first option is to use the tops of the bottles, in which the candles fit snugly. Another alternative is to use the backgrounds for candles or thick candles.

Toothbrush holder

toothbrush holder in recycled plastic packaging


Are the toothbrushes in an indescribable mess? This is the solution made possible by recycling plastic bottles! If you combine several necks of plastic bottles, you can make a curious and decorative toothbrush jar. Of course, we recommend that you make holes in the bottom so that the water can drain out.

Multipurpose containers

multipurpose containers in recycled plastic packaging

Plastic bottles or oversized bottles can be converted into multi-use containers similar to baskets. The most important thing is that you use all your creativity to decorate them however you want. Ultimately, you can use them to carry your groceries or also to store food.

Magazine rack

magazine rack in recycled plastic packaging

It’s time to tidy up those magazines scattered all over the desk or in the library. By using the decorated containers, like those in which cleaning products are sold, we can create a useful library. What do you think ?

As you can see, there are many great ideas for reusing plastic containers!


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