How To Remove Corns On The Feet Naturally

To get rid of corns naturally, you must first soften them. If they do not disappear, use a pumice stone, which must be passed over the area with care.

They can appear from excessive use of shoes, and apart from being unsightly, they can be very painful and bothersome. It doesn’t matter if they affect the feet or the hands, in this article we are going to tell you how to remove corns naturally.

Why do corns form?

Corns occur because of a buildup of keratin as a result of compaction of dead skin cells.

This is a thick, hardened area of ​​the skin produced by prolonged and repeated rubbing (whether by pressure or friction).

Corns mostly appear on the sides of the feet or on the heels because of some shoes.

Likewise, calluses can turn into protection for certain areas of the body that are always under pressure or friction.

This is why they can also appear on the palms of the hands due to the use of tools for example.

Other causes of calluses include playing sports without proper shoes or socks, bone deformities in the feet, or walking improperly.

It is important to differentiate corns from warts.

  • The latter are characterized by an enlargement of the skin and have a yellow outer ring in the shape of a cone.
  • They cause a lot of pain when you walk or touch them.

Natural remedies to remove corns

If the podiatrist can find out whether the horn is a sign of overloading the area or not, and remove it with a knife, it is also possible to dispose of it naturally at home.

Here are the most effective homemade recipes:

1. Aspirin and lemon

Aspirin against corns.

When we combine the two ingredients, a paste forms which softens the horn and it is then easier to remove it with a pumice stone.


  • 7 aspirins
  • The juice of a lemon


  • In a mortar, crush the aspirins until you obtain a powder.
  • Squeeze the lemon and add the juice while stirring.
  • You can add a little water if necessary (to form a homogeneous paste).
  • Apply a good amount of this home remedy to the clean, dry horn.
  • Wrap with a dry plastic wrap and leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Remove with hot water and then rub gently with a pumice stone.

2. Onion

It not only has antiseptic properties but it also softens the skin and allows the horn to “peel off” after a few days.

You will only need an onion cut in half.

  • Rub each part on your horn, and cover your feet with socks.
  • The next day, rinse well.
  • Repeat every night for at least a week.

3. Chamomile tea

The infusion prepared on the basis of chamomile flowers has sedative effects and a very pleasant smell. In addition, it offers us an additional property: to treat the corns of the feet while balancing the pH of the skin.

When you sweat a lot from the heat, from the exercises or from the shoes, it is very likely that corns are formed. The good news is that you can reduce sweating and corns with this herb.

You just have to prepare a chamomile infusion (you can find it in sachets or in bulk), and once it is at room temperature, put it in a container in which you can immerse your feet.

4. Pumice stone

If you are prone to the formation of corns on your feet, we recommend that you always have a pumice stone on hand, which you can buy in several stores.

It is a special type of file that is used to break up calluses and that can be used both wet and dry.

  • Before applying the pumice stone, wash the area well with neutral soap.
  • The exfoliation movements should be circular and gentle so as not to damage healthy skin.
  • You can use pumice stone in the shower.

5. Garlic juice

Garlic against corns.

This remedy is more than effective in softening calluses or corns. Once it has taken effect, it will suffice to scrape with the pumice stone.


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)


  • Cut the garlic in half and crush it.
  • Put the olive oil and stir until it forms a paste.
  • Apply to the horn and wrap with a cloth or plastic.
  • Put on a sock and let sit overnight.
  • In the morning, rinse well with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat each day for a week.

6. The tomato

The properties of this fruit for improving the health of the skin are numerous. It is therefore not strange to use them to treat corns on the feet.

  • It only takes a chopped and crushed tomato to form a paste.
  • Apply it to the horn and bandage the area with a cloth.
  • Leave on overnight and rinse well in the morning.
  • It is recommended to repeat the treatment for a week.

7. Apple vinegar

Thanks to its acidity, it not only softens calluses, but also softens the skin.

It has an action similar to that of chamomile, and therefore it helps to keep the pH of the skin in balance and to reduce sweating.

  • Use it before playing sports to prevent sweating and corns from friction.

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