How To Reduce Your Daily Calories To Lose Weight?

Did you know that a lack of sleep can make us gain weight because it prevents the signal of satiety from reaching the brain? Keep in mind that fatigue stimulates appetite.

Needless to say, it’s the calories that make us fat, coupled with our bad habits and lack of exercise. This is why reducing the calories we consume daily is essential to maintain our ideal weight and feel healthy.

Putting on a diet is ineffective if we do not take into account the amount of calories we eat per day.

It is important to know how much is needed to keep us healthy. Above this amount, they turn into fat, and ultimately, extra pounds.

Nutrition experts tell us that it is necessary to consume 500 calories less to be able to lose weight. But that doesn’t just mean stopping eating, we have to combine it with a good exercise routine and a balanced diet. 

Methods to reduce the amount of your daily calories

Methods to reduce the amount of your daily calories

Sleep well

Although it’s hard to believe, weight loss is linked to the number of hours we sleep per day. Not getting enough sleep leads to more production of a hormone that not only stimulates appetite, but also inhibits the satiety signal.

Likewise, the more you sleep, the less time you have to think about eating. In addition, it is beneficial for other aspects of our health: we will have more energy to face the day, less risk of falling ill, a better mood and less stress, etc.

Try to stick to your sleep schedule (go to bed and get up at the same time every day).

Drink a lot of water

Diets aren’t just about drinking fluids, but drinking three liters of water a day is sure to help you metabolize fat (gradually eliminate it). And also to fill your stomach to suppress the feeling of hunger naturally.

This does not mean that you should only drink water and deceive your appetite, but that before eating chocolate or French fries, it is better to drink a glass of water. This will help you flush out toxins and relieve constipation. Your skin will also be more beautiful.

If you drink a glass of cold water 15 minutes before you eat, you won’t be obsessed with food as much.

Cut down on sugar to cut calories

This ingredient, present in the vast majority of processed and prepared foods, is not beneficial for your health and is very harmful.

Significantly reduce your sugar intake for benefits you never imagined, such as having more radiant skin or less cavities.

For every spoonful of refined sugar, you add 20 more calories to your body, in addition to releasing insulin, the hormone that helps us store fat.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Adding fruits and vegetables to your daily diet has a lot of health benefits. Nutritionists recommend consuming 5 servings from each group.

They will provide you with few calories and, at the same time, help you reduce the intake of other foods. For example, in the morning when you’re at the office, opt for an apple or a pear instead of a chocolate or cream cake.

Fruits and vegetables provide you with vitamins, minerals, fiber, water and other trace elements. And, in most cases, for less than 100 calories.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Stick to an exercise program

It is certain that it is the ideal supplement to lose weight and reduce the calories of lunch. The body, kept in motion, will burn excess fat.

And there’s no need to sign up for a gym: walk faster, jog, run, cycle, swim, or take your dog to the park.

For the effects to be noticeable in the short term (so you don’t think these sacrifices are wasted), get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, but vary them so that the muscles don’t get used to it and you can work your whole body.

Choose less fatty foods

Include in your daily diet skimmed or low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, natural yogurt, semi-skimmed milk, fresh cheese such as Burgos, etc.), lean meats (turkey or chicken without their skin, beef tenderloin), ham Serrano without the rind.

Substitute fish for meat and eggs (three times a week).

Choose less fatty foods

Consume sauces and seasonings in moderation

The recommended seasonings are olive oil, sunflower oil and corn oil. Use them with care because, while these oils are healthy, they give you a lot of energy.

In the case of sauces, opt for those that have the least fat, such as those made from tomatoes and / or peppers, light mayonnaise with yogurt or vegetables. If you prepare them yourself, be careful about how much oil you use.

Prepare food the right way

There are many different ways to prepare lunch and dinner, with the goal of adding the least amount of fat to food, or removing the fat that it naturally contains. The plancha is suitable for poultry, fish and certain vegetables.

Papillotes are useful for vegetables, such as potatoes, or fish. They are seasoned according to your taste and are wrapped in a heat-resistant paper.

Cooking in a pan, with a little vegetable oil, is used to brown vegetables. Cooking your food in the oven, steaming or boiling it are also interesting options.

Avoid fried foods to reduce calories

Once a week you can indulge yourself with fried food, do not deprive yourself of it. If you eat something breaded, add a tablespoon of water for each mixed egg, you will digest them better.

Use a paper towel to soak up the excess. For stews, remove the skin from poultry and any visible fat from meats before cooking.

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