How To Recognize And Prevent Tachycardia?

To prevent tachycardia, it is important to learn to relax our body to compensate for stressful situations, and to devote a few minutes a day to breathe deeply in order to properly oxygenate our body.

Tachycardia (or palpitations) is an increased heart rate. The heartbeat, normally oscillating between 60 and 100 beats per minute, then exceeds 100 beats. It can often affect health and be very dangerous.

It is therefore necessary to know it and take natural measures to prevent it.

Symptoms of tachycardia?

  • Nausea.
  • Panic.
  • Fear of heights.
  • Breathing difficulties.
  • Tremors.
  • Excessive sweating.

What do we have to do ?

Due to the severity of the palpitations, we will have to reconsider whether to relax and wait or go to the hospital immediately. Then we will have to consult a specialist to find out the cause of the problem.

What are the causes of tachycardia?

It is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The latter will then be able to determine whether it is a tachycardia caused by specific situations or whether we are suffering from coronary disorders or other serious pathologies. 

What are the possible causes of point palpitations?

Deciding to drink alcohol because of depression is a bad idea, as alcohol and depression cause tachycardia attacks.
  • Situations of stress and anxiety
  • Dehydration or overhydration
  • Consumption of stimulants such as caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc.
  • Excessive exercise
  • Lack of potassium
  • Fever
  • Emotional imbalance

What are the causes causing major health problems?

  • Hypertension
  • Hypothyroidism   
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Chronic lung diseases
  • Etc.

Natural medicine for tachycardia

Herbal medicine is a method that uses the action of medicinal plants:

  • During attacks of palpitations, we can take calming plants such as lemon balm or valerian.
  • On the other hand, as a preventive and continuous treatment, it will be advisable to take white hawthorn.  It is indeed an excellent plant to treat respiratory and circulatory problems.
  • We also recommend that you use the essential oils of ylang-ylang, rose, chamomile, lavender or neroli to give yourself massages, take a bath or flavor.

Hydrotherapy is a treatment based on the use of water at different temperatures to regulate the functioning of different parts of the body and organs.


  • It is therefore recommended, to prevent tachycardia, to wet the face and eyes with cold water for 10 seconds several times a day.
  • During seizures, and if we don’t have heart problems, we can also wet our arms with cold water or apply a cold compress to the heart.

Self-massage also allows us to calm certain symptoms quickly and easily, by stimulating reflex points depending on the organs to be treated.

  • We can therefore perform a light circular massage on the eyeballs (on the eyelids, closing the eyes) to calm the tachycardia.

On the other hand, Schüssler salts work like homeopathy. Their main advantage is that they do not present any contraindication.

  • Ferrum phosphoricum.
  • Calcium phosphoricum.
  • Magnesium phosphoricum.

You will need to take two tablets, placing them under the tongue three times a day (one tablet in the morning, another in the afternoon and the last at night). The catches must nevertheless be separated from meals, drinks and strong and minty flavors (coffee, toothpaste or chewing gum).

Bach Flowers make it possible to establish an emotional balance, therefore also to improve your state of health.

Bach Flowers are plant essences made from different plants. They will help you express your emotions. You will need one type or another depending on your personality since each condition is different. However, here are the best flowers to prevent tachycardia:

  • Rescue : we have to take it during the crisis.
  • Chicory : when the person is overprotective and likes to control everything.
  • Rock Rose : for people who are very scared and suffer from nightmares.
  • Mimulus : for those who are always afraid of illness, death, work-related and material issues, etc.
  • Impatiens:  this is a flower used against acceleration or impatience, also symptoms of tachycardia. In addition, it helps to slow the rate of palpitations.
  • It is also important to note that traditional Chinese medicine relates heart problems to the emotion of anger. If the person normally suffers from temper tantrums (flushed face, tremors, screams, etc.), then the ideal is to take the Holly flower.

We must take these flowers in the following way: four drops under the tongue every fifteen minutes at the time of the crisis (for the Rescue plant). It is advisable to space out the catches after each improvement. For other flowers, four drops should be taken four times a day as a continuous treatment.

A diet rich in potassium

As in any natural treatment, nutrition is fundamental. However, it is even more important to follow a healthy diet in the case of tachycardia to avoid, for example, the aforementioned lack of potassium. What foods are rich in potassium? We especially advise you to eat a vegetarian diet:

  • Fruits (banana, coconut, avocado, melon, strawberry).
  • Vegetables (chard, artichoke, Brussels sprout).
  • Seeds (sesame, sunflower, calabash).
  • Raw dried fruits (peanuts, walnuts).
  • Legumes.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Whole grains.
  • Wheat germ, one of the richest supplements in potassium.
The walnut contains an excellent concentration of minerals and trace elements. It is rich in potassium (690 mg), phosphorus (510 mg) and magnesium (130 mg).

It is therefore important to consume foods rich in potassium. You should also avoid those with too much sodium, such as ready-made meals, cheese, gravy, cold meats, seafood, etc.

Other recommendations

It is recommended to avoid the consumption of coffee and products containing caffeine if possible.
  1. Avoid the consumption of stimulants such as coffee, soda, alcohol, black tea, or tobacco. They increase the frequency of the heartbeat.
  2. A very good advice is to do light exercises regularly (yoga, tai chi, hiking, cycling, massages). It is nevertheless advisable to avoid carrying out physical exercise between 11 am and 1 pm. These are indeed the hours of maximum heart activity, according to traditional Chinese medicine.
  3. We should also avoid sleeping on our left side so as not to put too much strain on the heart.
  4. It is also recommended to carry out relaxing and enjoyable activities every day. For example in relation to music, painting or other arts, in order to compensate for situations of emotional overload or stress.
  5. Relaxation is always linked to good breathing. And although today we breathe just to survive, it is important to dedicate a few minutes a day to breathing deeply. You can then attend a workshop to learn how to do it correctly. Adequate oxygenation of all parts of our body depends on breathing.
  6. Cellular bioenergetic osteopathy is a therapy based on the relaxation of the pericardium. These are all the membranes surrounding the heart, which sometimes gets blocked, causing health problems such as tachycardia.
  7. We advise you to always consult a specialist before starting treatment. It doesn’t matter if it’s natural or not. 

Photographs courtesy of sparky and xtinabot.

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