How To Purify The Lungs And Bronchi?

It is important to have contact with nature and to flee polluted environments, but also to breathe consciously and use all our lung capacity.

We regularly hear about the need for regular cleansing of the liver, kidneys, skin and even intestines. But why not also purify the lungs and bronchi?

These organs suffer daily from the consequences of pollution and therefore accumulated toxins.

In this article, we’ll tell you how you can cleanse your lungs and bronchi to improve your respiratory system and overall health.

What is a purification of the lungs and bronchi?

A purification of the lungs and bronchi is different from others because it requires significant changes, and its effects are slower. Instead of doing a cure of 15 days or a month, we will have to incorporate these changes little by little in our life in a gradual way and according to our possibilities.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the condition of the lungs is reflected in the skin. This organ performs its regenerative work from 3 to 5 a.m. and this affects the feeling of sadness very negatively.

We will give you tips to help you purify your lungs and bronchi naturally.

Move and sweat

Sport cannot fail to purify the lungs, and  it is essential to perform medium intensity exercises two or three times a week. 

If you don’t sweat easily, you can get used to consuming ginger every day to stimulate sweating. You can take it as an infusion, smoothies and drinks, as a condiment etc.

Contact with nature

People who live in natural environments have a big advantage over those who live in cities. Because urban air pollution is very damaging to our lung health.

Either way, you should try to go to the mountains or the beach, to places that allow you to breathe cleaner air. In these places, you can also do exercises to stimulate lung work.

Cayenne pepper against phlegm

How to do a lung cleanse: cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is a hot spice with many health properties. In particular,  that of improving circulation, providing heat and helping us eliminate phlegm.

This is why it is a good supplement for the purification of the lungs and bronchi. Start by consuming very small amounts. Add a little pinch to your meals every day. Over time, you will gradually increase the doses.

Many people notice that the body craves more. Especially in places with extreme temperatures (cold or hot).

A pothos at home

Even if you live in the city, you can make small changes to breathe the cleanest air possible. A simple tip is to put houseplants in your home to purify the air of toxic substances, as is the case with pothos.

You can even put it in the bedroom without any risk. This plant will remove formaldehyde, xylene and benzene particles that accumulate in our homes. The pothus does not require a lot of maintenance. You just have to know that it is toxic to pets.

Learn to breathe

It seems obvious, but we also have to learn to breathe. If you live in a polluted environment, you are breathing using only part of your abilities. Our lungs have limited function which eventually atrophies.

This is why a solution to properly purifying the entire respiratory system consists in learning to breathe. Or rather, to become aware of this vital act that most of us forget to do.

We feel the need to breathe deeply very infrequently. And in general, we do it very discreetly. In addition, there are many situations which generate anguish, fear or anxiety and which further restrict breathing.

This is why from time to time we are forced to sigh deeply.

Devote each day, a few minutes before going to bed, to breathe well, quietly and deeply.

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