How To Prevent And Treat Hemorrhoids

To prevent and treat hemorrhoids, it is important to eat a diet rich in fiber and consume plenty of water, especially outside of meals, to aid digestion.

Hemorrhoids are a very annoying disorder which can also be very painful. Many people suffer from it frequently, most of the time in silence.

We offer below some natural remedies to prevent hemorrhoids, or treat them quickly after they appear.

Hemorrhoids: what exactly are they?

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins. That is, inflamed veins, located near the rectum and anus.

We all have these veins. However, they become problematic when they expand and ignite. In some cases, they can even come out of the anal cavity.

Inflammation of these veins causes burning, pain, itching, and even bleeding.

More than half of people over the age of 30 suffer from this problem in the usual way.

They usually only go to the doctor if the pain becomes unbearable, and the hemorrhoids cause bleeding.

There are certain factors that influence the occurrence of this health problem. For example  constipation, too much sedentarization, overweight or pregnancy.

It is also possible that they result from congenital tissue disorders, which lead to a weakening of the anal sphincter.

General treatment

The basic treatment to prevent and treat hemorrhoids in a natural way is to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as in fiber. 

But it is also necessary to remove from its usual diet refined foods. It should be replaced by pulses, whole grains, dried fruits and seeds.

In all cases, it is essential to consume these foods in large quantities, and to drink plenty of water outside of meals.

A diet rich in fiber needs water to be digested properly.

If you have hemorrhoids, you also need to exercise daily. This is especially important if you have a particularly sedentary work or life routine.

Finally, do not wait when you feel the need to go to the bathroom. Although many people find it difficult to defecate outside of their home, suppressing this urge can lead to constipation.

In the rest of this article, we are going to give you some natural remedies to enhance the effects of this hemorrhoid treatment.

Medicinal foods

In addition to following the advice we have just given you on the ideal diet to adopt in case of hemorrhoids, you can include in your daily diet these foods that will facilitate your intestinal transit, while soothing the pains and irritations. you may suffer:

  • Psyllium  : Also known as Indian plantain, this plant is a natural source of soluble and insoluble fiber, which acts as an intestinal regulator.
    Consume it diluted in a glass of water before your breakfast and dinner.
  • Agar-agar  : this algae, used in particular to make gelatin, facilitates intestinal function.
    You can use it in any recipe you want to thicken. The more agar you add, the thicker and more consistent your dishes will be.
  • Flax seeds : Flax seeds are an effective remedy for constipation, but they should be prepared as follows.
    Before going to bed, put a spoonful of seeds in a glass of water, and let steep overnight.
    In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink the glass and the seeds, and wait 15 minutes before breakfast.


According to natural medicine, if you are suffering from hemorrhoids, your liver is congested from eating too much food, which acts as a trigger for this disorder. 

Dandelion, an extremely cleansing herb, can help you flush out toxins that have built up in your liver and kidneys.

Drink three infusions a day of this plant, until you notice a noticeable improvement in your condition.

You can also find dandelion in its homeopathic form: it is Taraxacum Officinale 15 CH.

Take three granules under the tongue three times a day, without meals.

Also avoid consuming them shortly before, or after, consuming foods with strong, minty flavors, such as chewing gum for example.

Cold water

Applying cold water directly to the anal area provides immediate relief from pain caused by hemorrhoids.

Some bidets have a water jet that comes out vertically, which could be of great help to you.

However, if you don’t have one, you can do sitz baths by submerging the affected area of ​​your body in cold water, without ever submerging your lower back.

Images by Susan, Brian Yap and digiyesica.

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