How To Naturally Eliminate Flaccidity In The Arms?

Protein nourishes and firms the skin and muscles. If we do not consume enough of it, muscle will turn into fat very easily.

From a certain age, especially in women, the skin and muscles of the arms become flabby. Do you know how to get rid of sagging arms?

If you decide to combat this problem in a natural way, you will not only improve the appearance of your arms but you will also prevent sagging in general.

Find out in this article how to achieve this with a special diet and some home remedies.

Eat protein against arm flaccidity

Eat protein against sagging arms.

Protein is essential for health and, in this case, it helps us nourish and firm the skin and muscles.

If we don’t get enough protein, our muscles will easily turn into fat.

It is very important to choose quality proteins, easy to assimilate, and not to consume in excess.

A good way to control amounts is to eat a portion of protein with each meal.

For this, it will be necessary to avoid the least healthy proteins, as is the case of red meat, cold meats or dairy products which contain a lot of fat.

Possible options

Instead, opt for the following alternatives:

  • White meat : Ideal for toning and firming the skin.
  • Fish : Blue fish and white fish contain a high amount of protein, although the white contains much less fat. It is therefore a good option for dinner.
  • The egg: The most protein part of the egg is the white, while the yolk contains a greater amount of fat.
  • Milk and dairy products : The healthiest and lightest dairy products are goat cheese and cottage cheese, and it’s even better if they come from goat’s or sheep’s milk.
  • Pulses : Pulses provide us with a good ration of vegetable protein, economical and nutritious.
    We can cook them with a little kombu seaweed and cumin, to make them more digestible.
    If you eat them in the evening, it is best to prepare them as a puree or a soup.
    So that they provide us with the amount of protein we need, always mix them with a little cereal such as, for example, rice, oats or quinoa.
  • Dried fruits: This is the ideal option at any time of the day, because they are delicious and very healthy.
    Do not exceed the recommended amount, which is a small handful. Avoid fried and salted dried fruits.

Clay to eliminate toxins and fight against flaccidity in the arms

When a part of our body accumulates excess fat or fluids, and our skin becomes more and more saggy, the drainage of toxic substances is not effective.

To remove these toxins in the easiest way, i.e. through the pores, and improve the firmness of the skin, we recommend that you apply clay, at least once a week.

  • Mix the clay with the sufficient amount of water, to obtain a texture that does not drip.
  • Apply it to the flabby area of ​​your arms and leave on until the clay dries.
  • Rinse your arms with lukewarm water, pat them dry and moisturize them well.

Clay to eliminate toxins and fight against flaccidity in the arms.

Moisturize to firm

This step is fundamental for firming the skin, as the arms are often a forgotten part of our body until we notice the first signs of flaccidity.

To hydrate, you can use any natural moisturizer that is very nutritious.

You can try with almond, olive or coconut oil.

The exercises

So that the muscle is not flabby, it must be made to work because if it loses its usual functions, it will lose its capacities.

It is not necessary to do exercises with dumbbells, you can use something heavy enough at home to move your arms in all directions.

Spend 5-10 minutes a day strengthening your arms, and in no time the flaccidity will go away.

The cold water nets against the flaccidity of the arms

Cold water is a great tonic because it improves blood flow instantly.

  • Avoid showering with very hot water.
  • Always end your showers with cold water, with a little more emphasis on the arms.
  • Take alternate baths of cold and hot water.
  • During the day, soak your arms in cold water.

With these simple tips, you will be able to eliminate sagging arms. And therefore speed up the process of toning your arms. This will give you an instant effect as well as greater firmness in your skin.

Images by sparky, steffenz and Chris Applegate.

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