How To Lose Weight By Eating More Protein?

To lose weight, we need to favor plant proteins over animal proteins, and grill, steam or bake rather than frying or breading our food.

We will show you how to lose weight while consuming protein in a balanced way. If you don’t overdo animal protein, you can lose your extra pounds and reduce your waistline, among other benefits.

We have all heard of protein diets that make you lose weight fast. But they are likely to overload our organs and consequently damage our health.

It is true that an intake of protein is essential in our diet, and it is likely that many people do not eat enough of it, which would explain why they do not know how to lose weight.

The importance of protein in our diet

It is essential to consume protein during growth, during pregnancy or if you exercise regularly. In fact, these should never be missing from our daily diet.

Yet many people abuse carbohydrates such as pasta, bread or pastries and neglect protein. On the other hand, others consume a lot of protein, but always of animal origin. This abuse can cause kidney and liver problems.

How to lose weight by eating more protein: sport

What do proteins give us?

  • Prevent flaccidity and make muscles and skin firm.
  • Nourishes hair, skin and nails.
  • Are essential for maintaining healthy bones.
  • Avoid water retention (in the legs, ankles, eyelids, etc.).
  • Give us energy, vitality and make us more resistant.
  • Increase immune defenses.
  • Help burn body fat, especially fat that builds up around the waist.
  • Avoid constipation (mainly proteins of vegetable origin).

How to lose weight with a balanced menu?

A balanced menu for the day should include:

  • Proteins of animal or plant origin.
  • Fruits and vegetables, raw or cooked.
  • Carbohydrates: rice, oats, millet, wheat, etc. (preferably complete).
  • Good fats: first cold pressed vegetable oils, dried fruits, avocados.

how to lose weight with a balanced menu: olive oil

The proportions may vary depending on the age and lifestyle of each. But when you feel good and full of energy and that you have an adequate weight, it is irrefutable proof that you have found how to lose weight!

Sources of animal protein

The sources of animal protein are:

  • Meats: red meats (beef, mutton, pork) and white meats (chicken and turkey).
  • Fish: white fish (hake, sole, monkfish) and blue fish (salmon, tuna, swordfish).
  • Crustaceans (oysters, shrimps, mussels).
  • Eggs.
  • Milk and its derivatives (cheese, yogurts, butter, crème fraîche): from cow, goat, sheep.

How to lose weight without animal protein

Avoid overeating red meats, cold meats, shellfish and dairy products that are too fatty. On the other hand, opt for other products that contain protein. Eggs, for example, are one of the richest and healthiest sources of protein, especially white.

Preferably choose organic products, because many studies have shown that animals are treated with hormones and other drugs. And these products are directly absorbed by our body.

In addition, the poor living conditions of animals modify the quality and taste of food. It is preferable to consume less protein of animal origin but that these are of better quality.

To prepare them, choose a healthy and light type of cooking: broiled, steamed or in the oven.

How to lose weight with vegetable proteins

Vegetable protein is excellent and of just as good quality as animal protein. Many people even digest them much better. Although in general the proportion of proteins is smaller in plants, in reality the body assimilates them better.

In addition, the latter contain fiber as well as many vitamins and minerals, which makes them essential in our diet. The ideal would be to combine the two types of proteins in our menu of the week!

  • Legumes: beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils.
  • Dried fruits: pine nuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Fruits: Although fruits contain almost no protein, we want to focus on avocado and bananas which contain the most protein.
  • Garlic.
  • Cereals: they also contain little protein, but should be considered wheat, semolina, barley and rye. The combination of cereals and vegetables is ideal for providing a sufficient amount of vegetable protein.
  • Algae, especially spirulina.
  • Yeast.
  • Seitan (wheat gluten).
  • Germinated seeds.

In addition, people with too high cholesterol or triglyceride levels should consume vegetable protein rather than animal protein, a weekly ration of the latter being sufficient.

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